
Debate Info

Drone kills don't count But the unearned peace prize
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 But the unearned peace prize (1)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

Drone kills don't count

Side Score: 0

But the unearned peace prize

Side Score: 1
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O bomb ya

he used to grow ganja

he used to be chill but now you don't wanna

fuck with him, obama

will explode on ya

standin' next to your family then you got their frontal lobes on ya

especially if you wear robes, and gotta

go wash for the whudu and do al-salat for allah

Obama's not white or black....he's a demonic monkey

addin' to suffering of victims in an Islamic country

They didn't choose to be born in a diabolic dungheap

instead of killing the tyrants, he'd rather kill off the ones he

claims to protect, cuz he's a cunt, see?

Side: But the unearned peace prize