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Debate Score:9
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Vaibhav1992(94) pic

A "CREATEDEBATE" android/ios app is needed


Side Score: 9


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2 points

I agree since I typically use my phone for at LEAST 95% to 99% of all access to internet except right now. It can be a bit frustrating as those phones are capable for a LOT, however it does everything less fluidly I guess you describe. This very odd thing happens on my phone when making a response on this site, where if I go back into the middle of my response or exit out of the text box and come back in, when I backspace instead of backspacing where my cursor ought to be it will back space at another random place within my response unless I type a character or two first. since its touch screen I can accidentally touch something and it will delete everything I just typed. I think if they made a mobile app for this site everyone who has a data phone of some sort will find it greatly easier to access the site on the app rather than on the web through the phone. you can't accidentally click on everything since everything is redesigned for use on a phone making it all icons on the first page really big so it takes no precision at all to touch them. I'm sure the app can be designed specifically to where you don't have the same typing issues I had or anyone might have had for that matter. You will also be notified by your mobile device every time you get a response to an argument or debate activity, messages, ally/enemy/hostile notifications, and Andy if you are reading this keep in mind more people constantly in contact with your site the bigger it will get so just think about that for a moment... All in all I think it would be a good idea if the made an app for this site personally it would be much easier to use since I usually have no access to computers.

Side: Yes
bemagic15(531) Clarified
1 point

Jeez you just wrote a freaking book about it

Side: Yes
zephyr20x6(2387) Clarified
1 point

Yeah it really was wasn't it? Maybe I got so used to doing it on the phone that when I went on a computer for the first time in months the ease caused me to end up writing more... Idk. Or maybe I'd REALLY like to see an app... Idk.

Side: Yes
1 point

Or any other application place

Side: Yes

I'd like that very much. I can use it on my phone but it's the desktop version, made to fit on a small phone screen. Copy and pasting doesn't work. I can't even post a debate because the buttons get to be too small. Also, the ease of access would open it up to a wider range of people, thus bringing new life to CreateDebate, hopefully some good life.

Side: Yes

Have you tried holding one finger on the text till a part if it highlights where you can then control what is highlighted from there? I have no idea if this would work its what works on my phone and it took forever to figure out where I was literally retyping the text from the argument I was replying to in order to highlight what I was responding to. So Mayne your phone will work out the way? Idk...

Side: Yes

Thank you for the idea. I just tried it, and it doesn't work on my

Kricket Kyocera android.

Side: Yes
1 point

I would love it.

Side: Yes
1 point

Or if they cannot bear an app of their own atleast they should collaborate with apps like "TapaTalk forum app"

Side: Yes
1 point


but i would need at least a phone to begin with. :P

Side: Yes
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