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Yes, it will be hard No, it will make life easier
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:37
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 Yes, it will be hard (13)
 No, it will make life easier (8)

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souloflight(404) pic

A Parent's Divorce would be hard for the children

I was thinking that of course most children are attatched to both their parents, so letting go of one would be hard. BUt the constant fighting would be over and that would make life easier for them. So which one is it?

Yes, it will be hard

Side Score: 21

No, it will make life easier

Side Score: 9
2 points

Yes it would be hard on the child if the child lives with his dad and the dad moves away from the state then the child would probably miss his mom and would was used to seeing his mom and dad together.

Side: Yes, it will be hard
2 points

i agree with your point of view, children get used to full family where both parents live in harmony and mutual undersatnding between each other.... of course, divorce would be hard for such kids

Side: Yes, it will be hard
2 points

I think psychologically a child will be worse off as they often feel a divorce is due to something they did. But, if the breakup is amicable and takes the child out of a bad situation, then I think I am in favor...but I am not sure this is very prevalent.

Side: Yes, it will be hard
2 points

Being the parents you guys need to grow up and find a way to get along for the kids. Marriage is 'for better or for worse' if you don't mean it then don't get married. If you did then suck it up and work it out stop making excuses and try to have everything easy and when it isn't ditch it. Grow up.

Side: Yes, it will be hard
2 points

I remember when i was young, my older sister said that she would commit suicide. And i was like "no." It hurt me bad and i teared. She didn't killed herself but i don't blame her of thinking about it. So the idea of "leaving" is hard.

I can't say that about my dad. I didn't like him because he was an abusive parent sometimes. So as i child, i didn't like him. So at days when he would work far away, i would like it. And as he came home, i would run upstairs to my room.

Side: Yes, it will be hard
2 points

i actually do think that the divorce will b hard on the kids. i mean they're used 2 having 2 parents. its really hard on the teenagers because they need both parents for certain things. and if the parents get a divorce then wat?

Side: Yes, it will be hard
2 points

mm i think it would be a child, he needs both of his parents together to teach him and help him in his life...but when each parent is apart...then he would be confused, and get the wrong idea about parenthood and surely not to mention the fact that they might think it is their fault that the parents are apart which will lead to their depression!

Side: Yes, it will be hard
2 points

of course, parent's divorce is one of the worst moments in child's life. concerning kids, it is so hard to realize collapse of the family. furthermore, there would be bad consequences connected with children's mental affections in the future

Side: Yes, it will be hard
1 point

Both parents will tend to have custody, so they aren't actually losing a parent.

What I find far more damaging is a child having to live under a dead marriage.

Side: No, it will make life easier

I agree with you, actually what i wanted to ask is that is a dead marriage that one in which the two people who are married do not want to be together?

Side: No, it will make life easier
1 point

Pretty much. That never can just be content. People who do not want to be with each other yet live with each other are going to bring many negative emotions into the mix.

People like to look at just the fighting as a problem because it's explosive and easy to detect, but there's a lot more going on between unloving spouses that the children pick up on.

Side: No, it will make life easier

A divorce would only happen if the situation is really bad between the two people. So if once parent leaves then the fighting, arguing, threatening will be over, wouldn't it and if the child misses one parent they can go to meet them.

Side: No, it will make life easier
kCathy(51) Disputed
1 point

perhaps, two people, two parents have bad relationships between each other... and they can do their lives easier with the help of divorce, but their children would be hard to endure such process

Side: Yes, it will be hard

People getting married cause divorce. If people stopped getting married, then there wouldn't be any divorce ;)

Side: No, it will make life easier
souloflight(404) Disputed
1 point

Ok that is true. But there is a downside to that. If people stopped getting married then what will happen to reproduction. Do you want our species to just end? And yes you may say that people can reproduce before marriage and that they can go to sperm banks or whatever. But many people wouldnt want to do that, it is also a sin in some religions.

Side: Yes, it will be hard

People need to pick one definition for marriage. As long as there are many definitions, two people will keep getting married with different expectations. Once a single definition is picked, then different words can be assigned to the other different interpretations. For example, is marriage for love only? Is marriage for the sole purpose of raising a family? Is marriage so that you can keep someone from having sex with anyone else? Is marriage so that one supports the other monetarily?

If people took the time to figure out exactly what marriage means to the other person and try to discuss ahead of time possible problems that may arise, then they'll have a better chance.

Side: Yes, it will be hard
1 point

If there will be constan fights than divorce will make life easier as for parents so for children. But disturbed parent relationship can even disturb the whole life of a kid, so they better try to be on good terms with each other after divorcing. Also it would be better if there will be an opportunity for meeting both of them for children at least once a week.

Side: No, it will make life easier
kCathy(51) Disputed
1 point

in such case, i would like to be a neutral third party, because i agree with the fact that fights and aggression between parents have bad influence on children's mind, as well. however, two adults should think about marriage, family, children deeply in order to avoid bad consequences in the future.

Side: Yes, it will be hard
1 point

of course it will be bad, becasue living without father or mother will influence to psycholgy and behavior of a child. Child always will feel fulness.

Side: No, it will make life easier
1 point

First of all, it would surely make children very depressed and they would also get shocked. However, it doesn't only make children harder. They may be depressed or harder, but they could reach full growth easily and more quickly than other children could do. When I was a high school student, my parent got divorced. I could overcome the shock, but my younger brother who was very young didn't seem to be able to get over the poor fact. He often looked gloomy and very depressed, but as time went on, he gradually seemed to overcome that. Now, he has become so mature and no matter how difficulties he get, he can easily overcome them. Also, he always thinks very deeply about his work or life. A parent's divorce might be harder for the children but as time goes on, it could also make easier and better life of children.

Side: No, it will make life easier
kCathy(51) Disputed
1 point

from my experience, I have to say that I don't remember my father and during my childhood I lived without him. concerning me, I didn't mind, perhaps due to I really didn't know what it is to have father. But many children which had once full family, both parents, find this process very difficult. unfortunately, such situations as divorce cause aggression, disappointment, psychic scar, etc.

Side: Yes, it will be hard