
Debate Info

Democratic Party Republican Party
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 Democratic Party (5)
 Republican Party (5)

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connorowesme(305) pic

Ahhh, sweet democracy!

Lets see how heated this one gets!!

Democratic Party

Side Score: 9

Republican Party

Side Score: 6
3 points

Really? Is this even debatable?

Gay rights. Torture. Voting rights. Education. Freedom of religion. Gay marriage. Sodomy laws. Death Penalty. Drug legalization. Immigration. Border Fence. Individual liberty (usually). Police profiling. Constant war. Expansionist interventionism. Etc.

All issues the right is 'wrong' about. And I haven't even gotten to economic issues. Trade restrictions. Oil subsidies. Oil production. Trickle-down economics. Wealth redistribution (from the poor to the rich). Tax policy. Etc.


They have gotten a few things 'right' (pun intended). Social Security, minimum wage,....that's all I could think of.

Side: Democratic Party
Coldfire(998) Clarified
1 point

Two can play at this game…

Idealists, encourages laziness and irresponsibility, lacks morals, wants to grant ‘rights’ to services provided by other people, hypocritical or selective concerning individual rights, supports the killing of unborn babies, promotes a welfare state, racism confused as ‘affirmative action,’ good at misleading the feeble minded by winning campaigns with empty or ambiguous promises like “hope” or “change,” likes high unemployment rates apparently, and worst of all: they actually believe government is good or has the peoples’ best interest at heart, therefore more government, more taxes, more regulations on business.

Now, I will stress the fact that I don’t believe any of this bullshit that the right flings like monkey poo in the media… but I will also stress that I don’t believe a damn word of it from the left either.

Pontificated, biased, deceiving, rhetorical dogma. Dem vs. Rep, Left vs. Right, Good vs. Evil, Black vs. White… it’s all a ruse, and I have no qualms in saying that anyone who feeds into it is a fucking moron.

Apollo, I honestly think you’re much better than that.

Side: Democratic Party
Apollo(1590) Disputed
1 point

Idealists, encourages laziness and irresponsibility, lacks morals, wants to grant ‘rights’ to services provided by other people, hypocritical or selective concerning individual rights, supports the killing of unborn babies, promotes a welfare state, racism confused as ‘affirmative action,’ good at misleading the feeble minded by winning campaigns with empty or ambiguous promises like “hope” or “change,” likes high unemployment rates apparently, and worst of all: they actually believe government is good or has the peoples’ best interest at heart, therefore more government, more taxes, more regulations on business.

Democrats would dispute 90% of these. I didn't state biased opinions; I merely listed issues on which the republican position is insane. I forgot evolution, but whatever.

I will stress the fact that I don’t believe any of this bullshit that the right flings like monkey poo in the media…

I am not referring to bigotry, hate, intolerance, mus-slinging, etc. I am looking just at the positions on the issues. If this was a mud-slinging match between the right and left, the right would utterly destroying right now.

I will also stress that I don’t believe a damn word of it from the left either.

Are you denying their positions on the issues I listed. I feel like you are referring to rhetoric and propaganda.

Pontificated, biased, deceiving, rhetorical dogma. Dem vs. Rep, Left vs. Right, Good vs. Evil, Black vs. White… it’s all a ruse, and I have no qualms in saying that anyone who feeds into it is a fucking moron.

I think you missed my point.

Side: Republican Party
2 points

Sweet Dremocracy.

(Where everyone gets free demonic ritual kits and torture dungeons.)

Side: Democratic Party
2 points

Dremorius 2012. You fuckin' know it .

Side: Democratic Party

The Democrats stand for democracy because the party is inclusive of all.

Side: Democratic Party
2 points

People who actually follow this false dichotomy are doing exactly what the Owners of this country... fuck... this WORLD, want the masses to do. And that is to be divided, deceived and distracted.

They divide us so that we don't have the strength in numbers, they deceive us so that we don't know the truth about what’s really going on, and they distract us so that we sit idly by and let things continue the way they are.

Neither side cares about you, they don't give a fuck about you or your loved ones, no matter what they say.

And if you give into this bullshit "left vs. right" charade, then you're not putting up much of a challenge. If you give in to this delusional bullshit, you might as well pull down your pants and brace yourself for penetration. And as a personal request for anyone who believes in this shit: go fuck yourself.

The REAL Owners
Side: Republican Party
1 point

Really? Well I guess I'm a registered republican but that doesn't mean a whole lot. Whoever is most in line with the constitution gets my vote.

So here's the question: If my record shows that I've only voted republican does that mean that I'm biased and will only vote for republicans?

No. The answer is no. ..And I feel like nobody gets that.

I don't like calling myself a republican. All there really is are people that care about the constitution and those that don't. And there are democrats and republicans in both of those categories. (not equally but that's another debate) (;

So in the words of Micheal Scott: "suck on that!!"

NOTE: Don't get me wrong Democrats and Republicans are typically very different when it comes to political issue. I don't get it when people say "oh sometimes I vote left and sometimes right". As if that automatically makes them mature and unbiased. Because the two side are usually (I said usually) so opposite.

Side: Republican Party
1 point

Democracy is only sweet if it comes in a Republican wrapper!

Side: Republican Party
1 point

i resent that statement. A republican wrapper is like that disgusting film on a sheet pan at a bakery.

Side: Democratic Party
addltd(5125) Disputed
1 point

I suspect we have similar opinions (or lack thereof) of each others political party. Does your statment make you a democrat or other party member?

Side: Republican Party