
Debate Info

There should be one bathroom There should be multiple
Debate Score:33
Total Votes:34
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 There should be one bathroom (14)
 There should be multiple (17)

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-Yuri-(284) pic

All-Gender bathrooms

There should just be one bathroom for all genders etc. There should only be stalls that are more secured then current ones. This would mean no gaps in the door for anyone to see and the locks more secure. 

There should be one bathroom

Side Score: 14

There should be multiple

Side Score: 19
1 point

There should be only one bathroom throughout the entire world trust me I know stuff

Side: There should be one bathroom
1 point

I think removing the old bathrooms in place of multiple family bathrooms wouldn't be such a bad idea. The problem would be the space it takes up in the store and potential for extended wait time.

Side: There should be one bathroom
-Yuri-(284) Clarified
1 point

I mean just take a room line both sides with stalls and far wall sinks. same amount of stalls just one big bathroom.

Side: There should be one bathroom
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

OHHH ewww no. Ok, my answer needs to be on the other side then, lol.

Side: There should be one bathroom
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

The problem you are not aware enough to understand nor do you address is the cost to the store forced upon them by Government. All you are concerned with is space in the store and wait times. Progressives will never understand the cost of their policies !

Side: There should be multiple
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

You seem to think this would only be available if it were government mandated. Many stores have already started implementing family bathrooms without government assistance or insistence.

Side: There should be one bathroom
1 point

I can live with that.

In fact the belief genders can't be trusted to share a space together is not all that different from the old day beliefs that schools had to be separate or else men couldn't help themselves, or that women must cover their bodies up at all times or else men can't resist molesting them, etc. If behavioral laws are enforced then people should be able to share regardless of gender.

My only disclaimer is I don't think we need to spend a fortune immediately converting all bathrooms to this no format. Fix it going forward in new construction.

Side: There should be one bathroom
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

In fact you believe a President should say this -"Obama had instructed public schools last May to let transgender students use the bathrooms matching their chosen gender identity, threatening to withhold funding for schools that did not comply."

Those are words of the DICKTATOR Obama wanted to be !

Side: There should be multiple
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Where did I say I believe that? Anywhere? Ever?


Side: There should be one bathroom
1 point

If it's either multiple or one big one with just stalls and a line then I'd go multiple, lol.

Side: There should be multiple
-Yuri-(284) Disputed
1 point

Why? This is a debate you need to be able to justify yourself.

Side: There should be one bathroom
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

Well, for starters I think privacy would be a big issue. Not to sound sexist either but there are some men whose.....toilet tuba and subsequent symphony of scent would be best contained in a setting more private than an open room with stalls.

Side: There should be multiple
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

When did it become Government's role not only to force bathroom issues on the American People but American business as well ?

Side: There should be one bathroom
1 point

They already have them. Usually their either family bathrooms or just a crapper and a sink with a lockable door.

Side: There should be multiple
1 point

The only confusion of bathroom use is that of Progressives. It is Progressives that are confused whether they are a man or a woman. The Federal Government forcing use of bathrooms on the American People is just another reason the Progressives were beaten at the ballot box and they can thank their "Boy King" Obama !

Side: There should be multiple

Society is best with two genders corresponding to two sexes. Bathroom use for the two different sexes only makes more sense considering the differences between them. Maybe just a one size fits all bathroom? No, it is better we keep the differences between two sexes (and therefore genders) separate in this case.

Side: There should be multiple
-Yuri-(284) Disputed
1 point

You have offered no logic you are saying this is the way it is because....? blank or because you say so

" Bathroom use for the two different sexes only makes more sense considering the differences between them"

What differences would not allow women and men in the same restroom in separate stalls? here you say there is a difference you don't list it and you don't list how it effects the situation.

"Maybe just a one size fits all bathroom? No"

here you say this is because denial.

it is better we keep the differences between two sexes (and therefore genders) separate in this case.

same as before you just say this and offer no logic.

Side: There should be one bathroom
Whitepride21(59) Disputed
1 point

I implied my logic. My logic relies on me wanting to keep sexes different in this area, and for society.

Side: There should be multiple
-Yuri-(284) Disputed
1 point

So you re made your post okay

"Society is best with two genders corresponding to two sexes."

this makes no sense each gender is better with two corresponding genders??? and that is better for society XD word your sentences better man there are only two genders.

"Bathroom use for the two different sexes only makes more sense considering the differences between them."

Okay but why? why do the differences make them need top have separate bathrooms?

Maybe just a one size fits all bathroom? No,"

Denial is not a logical response

"it is better we keep the differences between two sexes (and therefore genders) separate in this case."

repeating what you have already said and still shows no reasoning you just say they should be separate because men and women are different?? but why does that mean there has to be seperation? take out your ridiculous ocd with genders and races and be freaking human. Or at least provide some logic

Side: There should be one bathroom
1 point

For some reason everybody treats this gender deal the same as racism. Yes we got rid of segregation in America. This is a good thing. But separation of sexes is a safety problem. I would not want my daughter with a thirty year old man in the stall next to her. Family restrooms are great but it should not be forced onto stores.

Side: There should be multiple
-Yuri-(284) Disputed
1 point

The point is there will be other people around the rare time there would only be 2 people the man could do as he wishs if they were separate as well.

Side: There should be one bathroom