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Debate Score:65
Total Votes:65
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 Agree (39)
 Disagree (21)

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LizziexLaura(4278) pic

America had no right to whine about the Tea Act

When the british placed the Tea Act on the American Colonies should America have reacted the way they did? Did the have the right to "whine".


Side Score: 44


Side Score: 21

I know that the British may have had harsh taxes on them but if we compare theirs to the taxes on the citizens of Britain we will see a radical difference. Britain had to pay for the French and Indian war as well and Britain thought that since they provided so much protection for the colonies that the colonies should help pay off their debts. The funny thing is that the colonies refused to buy the British tea even thought this made the tea cheaper. Instead the colonies purchased the Dutch tea which was more expensive. I never really understood that. I think Britain didn't really do any harm in terms of this act.

Side: Agree

If the colonies were not helping pay off their debt for the protection Britain was providing, then Britain should have just walked away. Also, in the end, once the Brits did leave, we proved that we could manage quite well without British protection. In other words, there was no reason for us to pay protection money. And when you think about it, that sounds so gangsta ;)

The following should be read with a heavy Italian (Sicilian) accent.

"Yo, America, you have to pay protection money or we'll send Tony over to breaka your legs. Capire?"

Side: Agree

"If the colonies were not helping pay off their debt for the protection Britain was providing, then Britain should have just walked away"

That wasn't going to happen because they were still apart of Britain.

" Also, in the end, once the Brits did leave, we proved that we could manage quite well without British protection."

That was much much later. During early colonial time they needed that protection.

Side: Agree
2 points

The only people who really benefited from the American rebellion were the rich wealth landowners who were then free to exploit their own population.

Side: Agree

So...., we should have just accepted the exploitation of rich, wealthy, British landowners instead? ;)

Side: Agree
Axmeister(4311) Clarified
1 point

When did the British exploit you? Anyway, we were too busy exploiting India.

Side: Agree

Well freedom of speech was one the 1st rights America decided on, so factually they did have the right to 'whine'.

Side: Disagree
2 points

The freedom of speech did not exist at the time.

Side: Agree
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

Freedom of speech always existed. You always have it, sometimes it's repressed but it still exists.

Side: Disagree
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Freedom of speech has always been a natural right. .

Side: Disagree
1 point

Taxes were approximately 4% back then. The only reason we aren't rebelling now is because of our standard of living.

Side: Disagree
2 points

The thing is that the Tea Act was to help out the British East India Company. Also it reduced the price of tea. Yet the colonies rebelled.

Side: Agree
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Hello Prodigee. ;)

Side: Disagree
1 point

The tax was expensive. That was a lot in those days. And anyway, would you pay for anything that came from a country that wanted to take over you? Not really.

Side: Disagree
Azra(543) Disputed
1 point

The tax was expensive? It made tea cheaper. Also they were under British rule. They were still apart of Britain. The Revolutionary War brought us our independence.

Side: Agree