
Debate Info

Hmm... Bullsh*t
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Hmm... (6)
 Bullsh*t (4)

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chatturgha(1631) pic

Ancient Astronaut Theory

Perhaps one of the most supposedly cooky, contraversial origin theories in the scientific community, Ancient Astronaut Theory supports that idea that extraterrestrial beings uplifted human society thousands and years ago during the evolution of man. Popular ideas in the theory include:

Creation of titanic monuments during the Stone Age required advanced technology,

Deity myths were observations of alien astronauts,

Mythical creatures were observations of genetic experiments by aliens,

Lost passages of ancient religious texts were removed due to information about blunt observations of alien astronauts,

Texts from ancient civilizations point out the destruction of even more ancient civilizations by hands of the 'Gods' via energy weapons and bombs,

Various ancient ruins are recorded with having oddly large levels of radioactivity along with vitrofied buildings, landscape, and skeletons, etc.

I personally don't think I believe in it necessarily; what I want to hear are your opinions.


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 7
2 points

First if there was an andvanced spedies that could travel light years, there is no question they would be able to hide their existence from us.

Astronomers are discovering new planets at an alarming rate today.

We are pretty smart but still quite primitive on the Galactic scale.

Side: Hmm...

Or perhaps, slavery just really works. :D Just because people didn't have the technology to do incredible things like build pyramids doesn't mean they didn't have the skill and manpower. You look at the great statues and feel awed because in our comfortable, labor-free lifestyles, we've forgotten that we used to fight to live, had to really work to survive (well, everybody apart from royals anyways).

And plus, why would aliens help us? We'd only become competitors in space colonisation or their farm animals, depending on how advanced they are.

"Deity myths were observations of alien astronauts"

Or the result of some heavy narcotic use and creativity.

"Mythical creatures were observations of genetic experiments by aliens"

Natural mutations of animals/humans.

"Texts from ancient civilizations point out the destruction of even more ancient civilizations by hands of the 'Gods' via energy weapons and bombs"

Meteorites? Again, maybe some really cool storytelling?

Side: Hmm...

If you don't agree with the theory, I believe you should be on the bullsh*t side. :D

Side: Hmm...
1 point

The theory is sound, all it requires is proof. I have yet to hear of evidence that disagrees with the Ancient Astronaut Theory.

Side: Hmm...

I don't find it totally out of the ordinary, as the theory precludes the VERY plausible ideas that because aliens could be millions of years ahead of us in technology, they could very well feel like going around random planets, performing uplifting experiments, and easily have the capability to hide themselves from future generations.

Side: Hmm...
3 points

If these extraterrestial interacted with Earth thousands of years ago, why can't we find them today? It would take far too long for these creatures to travel from beyond what our modern telescopes and satellites can see to Earth without dying on the way.

Side: Bullsh*t
Gokumohan(334) Disputed
1 point

Ummm i know this is an old argument, BUT THAT IS UTTERLY STUPID!



Just. Think.

Side: Hmm...
2 points

I don’t agree that somebody from space visited the Earth. People have colorful imagination and just want to believe that we are not alone in the Universe. There no evidence that our planet was visited and I’ve never heard about the scientists who proved this theory. For example, The stone heads of Easter Island are also a mystery for many people but recently fact that it were made by people was proved, Philip Coppens wrote “Some statues have a “pukao”, or “hats”, on their head. The name originated from reports of the first visitors, who had spotted certain local people with a headdress made of red feathers. This small number of hatted heads has puzzled archaeologists for many decades. The volcanic rock used for the hats came from a sacred quarry inside a crater full of red scoria, a volcanic pumice. The rock had to be transported for several miles on rolling tree trunks.”( )

Side: Bullsh*t

Although mind-boggingly interesting, this is complete bullsh*t.

I've read about this and such and quite honestly, it just doesn't seem like it could happen.

Have you seen the painting with the UFO in the background? So cool.

Side: Bullsh*t

The biggest problem I have with the theory is the people that study it. They don't generally go through the scientific method properly; they make vast assumptions, if you will... leaps of faith. "I do not know, therefore aliens." It's quite mind boggling that they would assert is as truth without actual evidence.

Side: Bullsh*t