
Debate Info

for animal testing against animals testing
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:24
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 for animal testing (4)
 against animals testing (7)

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cutecate98(15) pic

Animal Testing x

it hurts animals to have cosmetics and botax inot their skin to try and make a change

for animal testing

Side Score: 7

against animals testing

Side Score: 11

What about medicines, surely it is better to risk the lives of a few animals in order to save the lives of many people.

Side: for animal testing
clearlight(24) Disputed
1 point

There are many natural medicines that do not have to be tested on animals. Most pharmaceuticals, even though tested on animals, are still toxic to humans with many side effects. A pointless waste of animal life.

Side: against animals testing
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

There are many natural medicines that do not have to be tested on animals

Such as?

Most pharmaceuticals, even though tested on animals, are still toxic to humans with many side effects.

It is far more advisable to test chemicals on a working mammalian system before you give it to a human, denying this is willfully putting human lives at risk.

A pointless waste of animal life.

I'd rather them than my wife or children.

Side: for animal testing

I said it in the last animal testing debate so I might as well say it again.

Imagine someday when you're an adult, that you have a critically ill baby daughter. Now imagine her dying because you didn't want Fluffy the bunny to test the medication needed to save her life. Is that a good trade-off; your baby daughter's life to save some rabbits?

Side: for animal testing
cutecate98(15) Disputed
1 point

well surley thats a good thing but its not just a few animals getting killeed its lots and scientits take the animals fro granted lets jus sat its like ur girlfriend or boyfriendd using you

Side: against animals testing
3 points

well animal testing is just wrong !!!! no matter what anyone says !

Side: against animals testing
2 points

It's a horrible thing, there are hundreds of animals being harmed. What if a person asked you "Is animal testing wrong?"and you say"No,their just animals"and that same person gives your kid some kind of chemical to test out and their going to say "He/She is just a human":(

Side: against animals testing
2 points

yea that isa sad story mate but its awful on the animals coz they get kiled for that !

Side: against animals testing
1 point

I think animal testin is meann they should test things on my bisexual friend kiera!!!

Side: against animals testing
1 point

Animal testing is just another human cruelty towards animals. I am all for human testing. Let's see who wants to volunteer to save the lives of other humans. I don't see a line forming just yet :) Humans are a plague on the earth, believing to have more rights than anything else living here.

Side: against animals testing
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

Are you lining up? No, but I'll bet you'd be more than happy to take the medicines if you were dying or wouldn't hesitate to condone their use to save a loved one.

Humans are a plague on the earth, believing to have more rights than anything else living here.

Sanctimonious much?

Side: for animal testing