
Debate Info

Only the Jewish ones Christians NEVER lie
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Only the Jewish ones (1)
 Christians NEVER lie (1)

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excon(18262) pic

Are ALL DNA labs bunk? Even the Christian owned ones?

Only the Jewish ones

Side Score: 1

Christians NEVER lie

Side Score: 1
1 point

Are ALL DNA labs bunk? Even the Christian owned ones?

The ones that disagree with nom are bunk, which would be all of them.

Side: Only the Jewish ones
1 point

If you look closely at your DNA results they confirm everything me and Nom are saying. If you are one of God's chosen people why do your results say you're from Poland and not Israel? You are not Hebrew, you are a Polish atheist who's ancestors converted to Judaism. Judaism isn't a race, and calling you a Jew isn't science. It's no different than if they where to convert to hinduism and then be named "Ashkenazi Hindus". Naming an ethnic group after a religion is not science, it's an arbitrary construct of society. Only it's worse because Judaism is associated with an extinct racial group called the Hebrews who used Judaism to justify their belief that they are superior to other races. So basically by calling yourself a Jew you are saying that an extinct semitic tribe is superior to you.

Side: Christians NEVER lie