
Debate Info

Subhuman superhuman
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:27
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 Subhuman (5)
 superhuman (8)

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FactLord(149) pic

Are religious people subhuman or are atheists super human?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 15
1 point

Both are opinions formed by lack of proper evidence. Why would a believer of one be superior to a believer of another? This isn't so much about how Atheist or religious groups compare to each other, but more that you want to establish yourself as very smart by uplifting the group you identify with. Get out of here with that narcissism.

Side: Subhuman

Yes. Believing an atheist magic nothing manifested reality from its magical nothingness is a subtle form of mental retardation.

Side: superhuman
FactLord(149) Disputed
0 points

Believing an atheist magic nothing manifested reality

You intellectually bankrupt sophwit halfist. What difference does it make if it's a singularity or a God? If you're going to say the singularity magically came from nothing I could easily say the same thing about your stupid fucking unscientific God.

Side: Subhuman
1 point

Not really. Your singularity would need a naturalistic explanation. God, the creator of time and matter, would have some unknown explanation. Perhaps he exists in a reality where nothing is born nor destroyed because time is nonsensical.

Side: superhuman
2 points

I wonder how many atheists there would be on a plane if the captain made the announcement, BRACE, BRACE, BRACE, WE'VE LOST POWER ON ALL ENGINES AND ARE GOING TO CRASH LAND.

Fartmachine would be heard begging for forgiveness and extolling the Lord Jesus Christ above everyone else.

Side: superhuman
FactLord(149) Disputed
1 point

Fartmachine would be heard begging for forgiveness and extolling the Lord Jesus Christ above everyone else.

So you admit that you are a pussy who thinks that being afraid of death is a valid reason to believe in something? Because these are your words not mine.

Side: Subhuman
Antrim(1287) Disputed
1 point

If that was the best you could do you shouldn't have responded.

Get back to the drawing board and come up with something significantly better.

Side: superhuman