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 Are teenagers disrespected by the public? (5)

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MyNameIsBean(12) pic

Are teenagers disrespected by the public?

I think that teenagers are disrespected by the public. People just assume that all teens are ignorant, drunk idiots that don't do anything but go on Facebook just by looking at one teen. I myself am a teenager and I highly disagree with all the social media blabbing on and on about how teenagers these days aren't healthy enough or aren't communicating as well as they used to be.I mean, don't get me wrong, some teens are like that, but just because one or two teens are like that doesn't mean that every teenager is like that, so it doesn't mean that teenagers need to be treated like idiots. Look at Brittany Broben and Jessica Watson, just look at how far they've come. Not every person in the world can sail around unassisted or dives from 10m high and earns themself a silver medal. So for all you people out there complaining about teenagers, just think, would you be able to sail around the world or win a silver medal at the Olympics or even make into the Olympics? No,adding think so, so please just treat us the way you would like to be treated, and stop assuming us as people who drink heaps or a dumb idiots.

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Teenagers are displayed as dumb, drunk idiots. They do not fall asleep in class, we do not drink so much that we faint, we do not spend all our spare time on Facebook and we know how to communicate properly.

2 points

I think I'd like to support your argument. Im a teen too, and yet, I dont get drunk. Hell, I dont even drink at all. I dont fall asleep in class cause it is quite scary here when you do. I dont spend all my spare time on facebook, because I like reading book. Oh gosh, I know thats kind of nerdy. Yeah, the communicating properly, that depends on the person though, some teenagers dont communicate properly, but not all.

0 points

im a teen to and i dont get drunk i dont even drink i dont fall asleep in class that will just make me look stupid i dond get on facebook any more it just causes problems sometimes i just read a book or play some video games not alot of things i can do around here and like she said some can communicating properly some dont know how at all but at some know how

1 point

I'm nearing the end of my 19th year of life, and i can say that I've never felt disrespected for being a teenager. I guess it's different depending on your own life experiences.

1 point

These negative stereotypes do abound, and that is unfortunate, but respect must be earned.

I believe that the fact that someone is even asking the question is a symptom of the "everybody is a special snowflake" mentality promoted by the left. A mentality where children are taught that everyone deserves to win and get a trophy just for participating.

Adam Carolla did a good piece on it. warning!: language (relevant part starts at 1:30)

With all that being said, disrespect should also have to be earned. I do believe that many teens get more actual disrespect than they have earned or deserve.