
Debate Info

Fighter Afraid
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Fighter (2)
 Afraid (3)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Are you courageous?



Side Score: 2


Side Score: 6
1 point

One must be courage but there is a common mistake that cowards make...

When someone is scared (or completely shitting their pants, as is often the case here), there is a fight or flight response. Many start lashing out, irrationally, at what scares them most - and often anything they see as associated with what scares them most. Sometimes you have to be brave enough not to fight.

Side: Fighter
4 points

I'm not answering the question, rather I am critiquing the title given to each side.

Isn't fear a requirement for courage? Can one be courageous without being afraid? I would define a courageous person as one who faces up to their fears when the situation calls for it, and a coward as one who gives in to their fears when the situation requires that they face up to their fears.

Side: Afraid
1 point

No, not me.

You see it's my religion and my very rare medical condition.

I'm a devout coward with an extremely low pain threshold.

I have learnt how to say, I surrender in twelve different languages and always carry a white Flag with me wherever I go.

Any vehicle I buy must have a reverse top speed of at least 60 M.P.H.

Side: Afraid
1 point

Hello bront:

The only time I was called upon to be courageous, I was.. But, I was afraid the whole time.. There's a difference between what you DO, and how you FEEL about it.


Side: Afraid
NerdRaper(65) Disputed
1 point

A little anecdotal evidence to back up your 'courage' never hurt anyone.

Not very courageous though...

Side: Fighter