
Debate Info

Atheist Agnostic
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:31
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 Atheist (14)
 Agnostic (8)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Are you an Atheist or an Agnostic?


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 9
Arsenal(220) Banned
1 point

I am a proud, card carrying Atheist.

An agnostic is simply an atheist without the courage of his convictions.

An Atheist is somebody who had truly seen the light.

The light of wisdom, knowledge, and self sufficient Independence.

Who needs no crutches.

No emotional placebo.

No opium for the masses.

No adult versions of childish imaginary friends.

Thanks for asking!

Cheers, mate.

Side: Atheist
1 point

So you admit openly that you, an Atheist, has religious convictions. Convictions for what.... that no one will remember you when you are dead and nothing you do will matter. Or at least... that's your claim...

Side: Agnostic
1 point

----Who needs no crutches.

No emotional placebo.

No opium for the masses.

No adult versions of childish imaginary friends.----

Uh huh. That's why alcoholism and drug abuse is rampant in the secular community.

And why you need puppets in your therapy sessions.

Side: Agnostic
1 point

-----An agnostic is simply an atheist without the courage of his convictions.-----

Not really. I used to be one, and it takes more courage to say you don't know than to laugh and snicker at what you cannot possibly know, nor understand. And besides, I'm fearless.

Side: Agnostic
1 point

------An Atheist is somebody who had truly seen the light.

The light of wisdom, knowledge, and self sufficient Independence.------

Uh huh. That's why Atheists tend to be angry, negative, toxic, emotional basket cases who easily become unhinged.

Side: Agnostic
2 points

As far as I know I don't know.


Side: Agnostic
-1 points

The first 45 seconds showed that Neil thinks you are an idiot.

Side: Agnostic
2 points

So... no meaningful debate, dialogue, or point? And off topic. Off ya go.

Side: Atheist
1 point

Yes, well, the people with the highest IQs on Earth think that he and you are. Anything else?

Side: Atheist
Arsenal(220) Disputed Banned
0 points

You are hilarious, mate.

Ever hear the term Cherry Picking?

You and your type do it a lot.

You have to. It's all ya bloody got, since the true facts be on my side.

So...You pull some article outta your arse that shows half a dozen guys who've scored high on IQ tests, but also happen to be religious.

Big deal.

All the while you conveniently dismiss the fact that it's true that the higher ones educational level is, the more likely they are to be atheist or agnostic. This had been true for decades, and new surveys confirm it every year.

Where will you find more atheists? At a university? Or a southern town?

NASA? Or a KKK meeting?

Probably 80% of college and university professors are atheist or agnostic.

And at least the same number for physicians.

And physicists.

I work with aerospace and electrical engineers. And other high tech types. Also some military personnel. I'd wager that a good 70% of them are at least agnostic.

But when I go down to the southern United States on business, to places like Huntsville Alabama, or Pensacola, FL.....And go into town with normal, working class, and lower class non educated townsfolk, I'd guess that about 90% are theists.

What does that tell you?


The truth hurts, I know.

You're gonna have to step up your game many notches if you wish to hang with the likes of me, mate.


Ok....Now ban me for destroying your argument!

Side: Agnostic
Arsenal(220) Disputed Banned
0 points

You ban Cartman and then you reply to him?


You fight like a girl.


Wait a sec?

Are you one?


Side: Agnostic