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 Are you going to have a Valentine? ;) (23)

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Sitara(11075) pic

Are you going to have a Valentine? ;)

I am. His name is Mark, and he is SO sexy. Ooh la la. ;)

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2 points

The funny thing is, just after I wrote that I used some of those Valentines cards and now I have a Valentine!

1 point

Yay! Good for you! ;)

1 point

Nope. I am forever alone!

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

You do not know what God has in store for you. You might meet some nice girl and fall in love.

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Yeah see the problem is I can't date anyone right now in high school because my parents don't want me to date because they think I am too young to date anyone so the only time I can date is after high school.

Which is dumb because what happens if I like someone and they like me and the girl is waiting for me to ask her out and I can't ask her out!

bemagic15(530) Clarified
1 point

Maybe the apple you were talking about.

1 point

I have terrible luck with woman. I will be alone this Valentines Day :/

1 point

I am sorry. I would be your Valentine, but I already have one. :(

1 point

I'll probably spend Valentine's Day with my one true love... Jack Daniels. Wait? Does that make me gay?

1 point

Nah. You are not gay. LOL. :)

I would never indulge in a stupid ass emotion like love. It's a waste of time

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

You cannot control your heart. One day you will fall in love and be so happy. Leave the past behind you, okay? There is someone for almost everyone. ;) <3

judgemaster(265) Disputed
1 point

Falling in love makes you happy, but it is specifically designed to override all logical thought and cloud your thinking power, making you do stupid things and regret them later. For me, keeping my mind is more important than losing it.

1 point

No Im lonly and noone loves me I will never have a valentine :(

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Get out there and socialize. Confidence is very sexy. ;)

TheAshman(2298) Disputed
1 point

Dude your only 14 youve got plenty of time I had a mate who couldnt get a girlfriend all through school I dont know if it was lack of confidence I know he was definately nervous around girls I just told him not to act around girls/women with the sole intention of pulling but just be himself. It didnt work all the time but by the time he hit his 20's he had it figured now he gets his share of the girls. Its tough but youll get there, its never easy but gets less hard as you get older just remember girls are just people, you never know there might be a girl just waiting for you to ask her out just dont be afraid of failure. Sure you'll get blown out occasionally but when you do think about what you might have said or done wrong and learn from your mistakes, sometimes though girls just wont be into you through no fault of your own (their weird like that) nothing you can do about that but dust yourself down and get back on the Horse.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Oh my God, please disregard my other comment. I did not know that you were only 14. You will most likely fall in love one day and get married.

1 point

Hellno is my Valentine this year. Though he hasn't done much...or anythibg.

1 point

I'v been rejected 11 times today and I have only 2 friends and I am not 14 I am 17! >(