
Debate Info

Prochoice. Prolife.
Debate Score:62
Total Votes:66
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 Prochoice. (28)
 Prolife. (23)

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SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

Are you prochoice or prolife?

As yall know, Im prochoice because I believe that life begins at birth and that women have the right to choose. Feel free to ask me questions about my beliefs or debate me on any aspect of this issue.


Side Score: 36


Side Score: 26
3 points

Simply because it is her choice not some religious fucktard .

Side: Prochoice.

Prochoice Christian here. :)

Side: Prochoice.
dadman(1703) Disputed
0 points

Satan's children will always have an excuse to murder someone ... BabyPicturesAbortionPhotos/Enlargement.cfm?ID=5 ... a liar and a murderer from the beginning

Side: Prolife.
AngryGenX(463) Disputed
1 point

How can you possibly consider that to be a valid argument???

Side: Prolife.

I'm prochoice, but life obviously begins at conception.

Side: Prochoice.
nobodyknows(745) Clarified
1 point

I'm prochoice, but life obviously began 3.5 billion years ago.

Side: Prochoice.

In regards to abortion, I honestly don't care what you do up until the third trimester (when you basically have a full baby inside of a womb).

Side: Prochoice.
1 point

I'm pro-abortion... abort all babies in the first trimester. There's too fucking many people on this rock.

Side: Prochoice.

I agree life doesn't begin at conception. A fertilized egg can not be called a human life nor can an embryo early on in pregnancy. However I do think that abortion at 20 weeks and after if wrong.

Side: Prochoice.

I'm prochoice, but life certainly does not begin at birth. Life begins at fertilization.

I believe that it is not 'life' that is sacred, so much as 'people' that are sacred. A zygote is certainly alive, but it's not yet a person.

Still, personhood isn't a place I'm comfortable drawing the line for abortion, as what constitutes 'personhood' is debateable, and the point at which it develops isn't the same for everyone. In most cases, using most definitions of personhood, this would be condoning not only late-term abortion but early infanticide, as self awareness is usually not yet present in infants.

As such, I figure the best bet for a cutoff is when the fetus is able to feel pain. While this is difficult to determine specifically, we can at least know around when this is possible; when the peripheral nervous system is sufficiently developed for the nerve endings to carry the impulses back to the brain, and the brain itself is sufficiently developed to process stimuli. Studies place this about halfway through the second trimester; given that some develop more quickly than others, I'd therefore limit it to the first trimester if it were my call to make. Of course, with exceptions for circumstances where causing some pain would have to be acceptable, such as when the pregnancy is threatening the mother's life. But it really should, if possible, be done before the fetus can feel pain; I mean, when we slaughter animals we tend to do it quickly and humanely to cause as little suffering as possible. Hell, even when we execute criminals most states in the US use methods that are quick and relatively painless. Surely a fetus deserves the same care to minimize suffering in the abortion as livestock and criminals do.

Side: Prochoice.
1 point

don't say that you are prolife until you have experienced being pregnant and abandoned with no possible way of supporting the child.

Side: Prochoice.
AngryGenX(463) Disputed
1 point

Doesn't really sound like you are given a free choice to do what you want to do in that situation. It sounds a lot like the abandonment will prompts the decision the father wanted to impose on the mother so he could be free of responsibility. Tell me, do you think this situation is more likely to occur in the 1950's or the 1990's? Men have been completely removed from the decision making process, don't act so shocked when fewer and ferwer stick around.

Side: Prolife.
1 point

Pro constitution!.............................................................

Side: Prochoice.
AngryGenX(463) Disputed
1 point

Where does the constitution mention abortion????????? If the states were told "oh by the way, it is not clearly spelled out, but we have decided if you join you have to have legal abortion" would they all have joined the union?

Side: Prolife.
1 point

Because I passed 1st grade biology...................................................

Side: Prochoice.

I am with God, prochoice. I do go as far as He does and command people to murder pregnant women. I also don't approve of the murdering of innocent children of families who have no say in a monarchy just because I am mad at the king. But hey, God works in mysterious ways, who am I to question His will.

Side: Prochoice.

Does a woman have the right to an abortion under the U.S. Constitution? If someone is a strict constructionist who interprets the Constitution word for word, the sanction for abortion is given under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment of our U.S. Constitution defines a citizen “a citizen” at birth. If a woman is carrying a fetus in the womb, the U.S. Constitution does not designate the fetus as “a citizen.” It would take an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to declare a fetus a citizen. You have to be born in order to be recognized as a citizen. Therefore, a woman does have the right to choose. A fetus inside the womb is not designated as a citizen according to the U.S. Constitution so by default is not entitled to life, liberty, or prosperity. You have to be born in order to be endowed with those privileges. To conclude, neither the Federal government nor any of the States can deny a woman the right to choose.

If abortion is murder, abortion would have been terminated years ago due to the cruel and unusual punishment clause under the Eighth Amendment. Again, proof that a fetus is not recognized as a citizen of the United States of America.

Side: Prochoice.
2 points

I'm pro-life to a certain degree. I'm not going to say that it was wrong for a woman to abort a child if the pregnancy would kill her, injure her, or the baby would have absolutely no chance at a good life.

Side: Prolife.
1 point

What if the pregnancy is a risk of psychiatric trauma? .

Side: Prochoice.
Paradox44(736) Clarified
1 point

I already spoke of this. If it will injure the woman, either physically or mentally for clarity purposes, then I won't argue or debate the abortion. If you can prove the woman will experience psychiatric trauma then I would say go ahead and commence the abortion.

Side: Prochoice.
Atrag(5666) Banned
1 point

Do you believe that a woman has a right to terminate the pregnancy at whatever stage of pregnancy for whatever reason?

Side: Prolife.
2 points

I do. Ive become more prochoice now. Are ye prolife? .

Side: Prochoice.
Atrag(5666) Disputed Banned
2 points

Not really but I'm definitely more prolife than you are it seems. So to you a full term pregnancy can be terminated? But once its born (maybe a few hours later) terminating the baby would be murder?? Thats disgusting.

Side: Prochoice.

Prolife because even the negatives of life are worth more than a state of unconsciousness.

I say put it up for adoption before abortion

There is no better experience in life than breathing new life into someone, whether it be through a newly met spouse, giving a homeless man 100 dollars, or bringing a new soul into this world.

And while the world may seem like a shitty place, and on a global scale it is, in our microcosmic parts life is full of things to be experienced! how great that we are actually able to experience things.

Everyone has had a share of negativity in their life and noones struggle is more hard than someone elses struggle, we are all in hell right now, it is our goal to climb out, inch by inch, in order to become what is necessary for the betterment of life.

As above, so below

Side: Prolife.
1 point

I'm prolife because I believe abortion is killing someone else's body and the person you're killing is innocent and shouldn't be killed.

Side: Prolife.
1 point

Life begins at birth? So killing a fetus riiiiiiiight before it's born is fine, since it's not murder, right?

Side: Prolife.
Side: Prolife.
1 point

There is no greater sin a society can commit than de-humanizing and then destroying another people en mass. I pray someday our children and grandchildren will recognize abortion as mass murder. Moving further from Christ is not the solution for a society that has moved too far away from Christ. Destroying children is not the answer for a society that is destroying the family.

64% of women who have abortions claim to be coerced into doing it. That statistic would have disgusted me if it were only 10%. Abortion does not help women, it helps irresponsible men and those who seek to fundamentally transform our culture, those who think they are doing mankind a favor by discarding any potential, any contribution an unwanted child could have. They reclassify a human into something sub-human. Such an action always leads to evil.

We think we are so much smarter than our forefathers when we make the exact same mistakes. We think we are beyond racism when we worship eugenics pioneers like Margaret Sanger. We think we have moved beyond sexism when we sell our daughters a false reality, and degrade them if they want to be full time mothers. We think we have moved into a new age of humanism, when we can't even reconcile our own offspring's humanity with our own materialistic ambitions.

Side: Prolife.
idkhowoften(3) Disputed
1 point

So you would rather stop evil than promote good? Don't bring your non-existent figment into your argument in order to obstruct the autonomy of decent individuals.

Side: Prochoice.
AngryGenX(463) Disputed
1 point

Well 2/3rds of my post didn't mention God. Abortion can be sufficiently argued against from any religious or non-religious background. Besides that, your post makes little sense.

Side: Prolife.