
Debate Info

Right Wing Left Wing
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:31
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 Right Wing (4)
 Left Wing (11)

Debate Creator

VincentCross(180) pic

Are you right or left wing and why?

Right Wing

Side Score: 8

Left Wing

Side Score: 22
3 points

Neither because I'm neutral on pretty much everything that is political. I go for the one that is most logical, like placing this post on both sides.

Side: right wing
2 points

I believe in fiscal responsibility and abiding by the constitution. I believe we should reel back spending with a focus on Medicare and Social Security reform.

Side: Neutral
2 points

I believe strongly in individual liberties. That's really the only reason you need not to be a liberal.

Side: right wing
1 point

All for it, if I had my way we'ld all be going back to the Victorian Age.

Side: right wing
3 points

Neither because I'm neutral on pretty much everything that is political. I go for the one that is most logical, like placing this post on both sides.

Side: left wing
1 point

You could have just said you are Libertarian. Seeing how they cast such a wide net its impossible not to fall under it. I'm not kidding there are like 6 degrees of Libertarianism. Ranging from far right wing to far left wing.

Side: right wing
Niko(101) Disputed
3 points

True, but I have absolutely no declaration. I vote for the party who makes the most sense at the time. That is not Libertarian.

Side: left wing
egga(106) Disputed
1 point

What's with a communist symbol (far left) and tagging yourself as "right wing" lol...

Side: left wing
3 points

I believe we shouldn't abandon the social liberties our citizens have come to earn in the name of "small government."

I believe we should cut back spending and ask more from the most prosperous in society while not placing the tax burden of the rich on the income level that has seen 1/45th of the pay increase as their rich counterparts.

I believe we should cut spending without turning a blind eye to a bloated defense budget and endless wars that are bankrupting our country.

Side: Neutral
3 points

I'm a social libertarian, and a fiscal liberal. Take that how you will.

Side: Neither
2 points

I vote for the party that represents the income range that I make, not what I'd like to make. Sorry, I'm not a dreamer.

Side: left wing
2 points

I am centre-left wing through and through with fiscal responsibility such as waste reduction.

My core political beliefs are:

- Universal medical care, because everyone deserves it.

- Cut out middle and high income welfare such as tax cuts for the rich.

- Reduce tax for lower income earners and increase it for higher income earners.

- Have a robust welfare system with a strong job network to get people into work.

- Reduce the law-and order auction that is constantly increasing jail terms (especially for minorities).

- Abolish the death penalty.

- Legalize and at the same time strongly regulate prostitution.

- Think differently about the so-called "war on drugs".

- Use a balanced regulation policy for businesses, not overly stringent but not too lax either.

- Introduce emissions trading, a good opportunity for business.

- Improve public transport.

- Use crowd sourcing to improve infrastructure and help guide policies.

Side: left wing

The right thinks in a manner different than me, literally their thought patterns are different. When I make my decisions I focus on processes and not people, I focus on power structures and not social opinion, etc.

Side: left wing

The Left is compassionate and against war. The Left wants to help the unfortunate.

Side: Left Wing