
Debate Info

Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Ask wardogninja any thing. (6)

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wardogninja(1790) pic

Ask wardogninja any thing.

I think this could be fun. 

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1 point

how is it you have such a few number of allies? :p

I once had more, but i decided to make a fresh start to re-evaluate how my stances on issues compare with others.

1 point

so you removed all of them???

1 point

Why do people with such high numbers of points rarely debate and people with such lower numbers of points get downvoted into oblivion for debating?

1 point

I don't really see that. The only time I see people with low points being heavily downvoted is when they are either fake or spammers

1 point

You have not seen what I have seen. It happens all the time.