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 Athiests aren't sure and neither are the religious. (5)

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Enlightened1(212) pic

Athiests aren't sure and neither are the religious.


Neither group will ever prove anything either way, what a useless waste of time for very, very boring people. This religious/athiest debate seems to be between disaffected Christians and those who still are. The disaffected Christians don't seem so sure of themselves because they are still obsessed with religion and are constantly attacking those who still identify as Christian. I think both groups are thinking inside the same confounded box. At the other end of the spectrum of idiocy are those Christians who really aren't sure of their Christianity, therefore , need to challenge everyone on Christian doctrine until they find someone who will explain things to them to their satisfaction. My theory is, someone that really KNOWS something doesn't feel the need to argue about it. To bring up an argument about a particular issue automatically shows a lack of faith, belief or knowledge. I have brought up debates here about ideas i read about and made sense to me, but I get my ass handed to me pretty regularly by zombee. i'm not saying I agree with her, but I'm not so sure of myself on the subjects I bring up...and she challenges me. Others do too, but they seem more intent on insulting me than actually providing evidence of my errors. Zombee obviously thinks I'm an idiot, but holds her temper and puts personal views aside and uses facts as weapons instead of snide insults. m

My point is, if you bring up an argument, you must not be that sure of your position. I'm not. i'm not here to argue about things i know, but things i want to know.

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0 points

Finally, something we agree on. Just kidding, I saw your 'What am I?' debate and we agree on most issues listed.

I identify as an atheist but I would never say 'I know there is no God' because it makes my skin crawl to hear a Christian claim 'I know there is a God'. I realize that my stance can never be proven, and I seriously doubt any definitive evidence to the contrary will come to light either. I just do not bother to identify as an agnostic because the chance that there a) is a god and b) he has any of the qualities any religion attributes to him is so infinitesimal that I don't really waste any time or effort wondering 'what if'.

However, I do engage theists in debate. I am fully aware that neither of us will change the other's beliefs, but I continue to do it for a few reasons. The first is the small chance that I will make a religious person realize how ridiculous it is to try to use either a holy book or pseudoscientific evidence to convert nonbelievers because we've heard it all before and we're not falling for it.. The second is to test my own convictions; should I ever come up against a piece of 'evidence' for God that I could not otherwise explain, I would either have to do some research or some serious thinking about why it can't be explained. Finally, I find both psychology and religion fascinating subjects and I have gained significant insight into those two subjects by debating with theists about their beliefs.

3 points

I am an atheist and get what you mean with that skin crawling feeling when saying "I know"...

I wouldn't deny that there might be a god...but I would say that I am 99.99999% sure there isn't.

With any other absurd premise, I cannot declare that it definitely isn't true. You can say you have a pet dragon in your garden, but without coming and seeing for myself I can never be 100% sure you're insane...almost sure, but not 100%.

BlackSheep(203) Disputed
0 points

Well I disagree. I am sure I don't believe in gods or anything spiritual for that matter. I am 10% positive there are no gods? Nope, but I am right up there with scientific theories. Atheism is a lack of belief. Most lacks of belief don't have a name. We don't have abigfootists, aancientalienists, avampirists. On the other side I think many theists who debate believe they know and are "debating because they feel it is their duty to set the deluded denying atheists straight.

zombee(1014) Disputed
0 points

Well I disagree. I am sure I don't believe in gods or anything spiritual for that matter. I am 10% positive there are no gods? Nope, but...

If you meant to type 100% positive, then we do not disagree. I do not believe in any gods either. I just realize this is something that can't be proven either way.

If you did mean to type 10% positive, then I'm not sure what you mean.