
Debate Info

Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 A7X (7)
 BMV (6)

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jakeoutlier(68) pic

Avenged sevenfold vs Bullet for MY Valentine



Side Score: 9


Side Score: 7
2 points

avenged sevenfold is better their songs are more deep and meaningful they are and all around great band bmv comes in second to A7X

Side: A7X

'Afterlife'. I don't think anything else need be said ;)

Side: A7X
1 point

love the lyrics and messages of both really but A7X is way better. i cant stand the scruff scruff voice of bullet. WHAT ABOUT death cab for cutie?!

Side: A7X
101kakashi(369) Disputed
2 points

mmm yes tht is good too though i enjoy the music more than the lyrics 0.o i salute you for the taste of music u have :P

Side: BMV
1 point

khwhy shmank you =P

i LOVE LOVE LOVE follow you into the dark. and i know like alooooootttttto bands and rock artists. skillet is my favorite punk but my favorite punk song, like young punk specifically, would have to be lifestyle of the rich and the famous by good charlotte. pretty up-beat song. i likey. c:

Side: just-a-talkin'
1 point

when you look at A7X i feel like they have the chance to be one of the best bands to ever have lived you know? i mean albums like city of evil and their self titled album even waking the fallen were all amazing they have songs u can relate to like seize the day fast pace songs like bat country and afterlife that song speaks for it self. even nightmare is pretty good i don't think bmv electric guitarist can with synster gates and their drummer definetyl could not hang with rev and singing m shadows takes it

Side: A7X
1 point

avenged sevenfold better than bullet for my valentine better musicians better songs better band

Side: A7X
101kakashi(369) Disputed
1 point

-________________- never! hard core! bullet for my valentine...deep meaniing...hard to beat...though A7X aint bad at all...i love em...but BMV is me fav!! XD

Side: BMV
jakeoutlier(68) Disputed
1 point

hardcore are u serious the lead singer for bmv Is a pansy they all are weak call em weakcore A7X true hardcore

Side: A7X
1 point

avenged 7 fold is the best their song is very cool!.

my favorite song is welcome to the family.

Side: A7X
1 point

bullet for my valentine. the lyrics in their songs are meaningful and true! teaches you to be in control and never let anything put u down! (ex. alone, pretty on the outside) they show pain and calamities allot of people have been through and it also shows them how to deal with it! they are the voice of pain and they are deep!

Side: BMV
1 point

BMV speak for many! they give songs and lyrics of stories that happened to many people and explains the pain that those people felt! :3

Side: BMV