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 Bearded Man Breastfeeding a Baby -- This is how F'd up the Leftist really are! (15)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

Bearded Man Breastfeeding a Baby -- This is how F'd up the Leftist really are!

A statue of a naked, bearded man breastfeeding a baby has been placed outside the former Women’s Museum in Denmark. 

The museum that once celebrated women’s accomplishments has taken an extremely woke turn. 
The museum “offers sex education for children in primary school through a culture-historical and norm-critical view of sexuality and gender. The above shows how twisted the Worldwide Leftist Movement is!!!!!
Leftist the receipts for this will follow if you can follow along. 
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2 points

Leftist there is the statue for your viewing if you are not afraid to see reality of the madness your Leftist government pushes upon you.

Check out your Leftist Gender Confused Dummies in that link. Are you Leftist afraid of reality?

How much more information do you Leftist Dummies really need?

2 points

Here is some more information to show how F'D up the Leftist are !!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 2018, “an endocrinologist from Boston Medical Center claimed that breast feeding was an important method of validating a trans-identified male’s gender identity.”

From the Guardian (LMAO!)

Once again the twisted mind of the Left believes a MAN can breastfeed a baby!!!!!BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

Norwich(1576) Clarified
1 point

These figures are primarily intended to act as a ''GADFLY'' to normal society and a display of the gender-benders thumbing their nose at normal civilization into which they can never be fully integrated.

If such displays of the freak's depravity keeps them happy and avoids them taking the road to civil disorder and property destruction then I think we should permit them such an outlet for their sexual deviance.

1 point

This freakish sculpture challenges nature and/or is a frightening representation of the antiChrist.

The grotesque Danish statue is a graphic illustration of how Western society has degenerated into moral and social depravity.

Our children are being brainwashed and conditioned into believing that debauchery is not only acceptable, but desirable and abnormal acquired sexual orientation is normal.

1 point

And yet Denmark is one of the happiness nations in the world. I guess they're not the type of people to spent all day complaining about everything that scares then on an empty website eh?

Chinaman(3570) Disputed
2 points

TOE RAG you are a believer that a man can breastfeed. So did your Daddy breast feed you TOE RAG? Let me guess your Daddy gave birth to your DUMB ASS!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Norwich(1576) Clarified
1 point

TOE-RAG is what is known as a GADFLY.

Apart from being an irritating insect, (such as a horsefly) which bites livestock, the term is also used to describe someone who irrationally spends most of their time pestering and trying to annoy others in order to stimulate a negative reaction from their targets.

You can be certain that this dickless irritant scours the internet and achieves his orgasms the only way he can by posting criticisms on those who express their genuinely held opinions.

This negative activity which consumes most of his day is clearly the only form of entertainment he has.

In this context TOE-RAG, the site's official GADFLY/PROVOCATEUR is best ignored as responding to these types of internet scourges is only playing into their hands.

You see, TOE-RAG was unable to recognize that the criticism of this disgusting statue was aimed at Western society in general and, even though Norway was the host nation of this monstrosity and responsible for its erection, it was not singled out as a stand alone culprit.

This is why FILTH SUCH AS TOE-RAG/GADFLY are best left to wallow in the quagmire of their own negativity.

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Art isn't always of something that really exists. Hope that helps.

Chinaman(3570) Disputed
2 points

TOE RAG you are a waste of time and you want to know why DUMMY?

To watch a fog go through your head would be the quickest trip around the world! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bye Bye DUMMY!!!!!!!!!

One parting SHOT did your DADDY birth you through the head of his penis??????BOOM BOOM and BOOM

Chinaman(3570) Disputed
1 point

Is this your train of thought in your twisted mind TR????? LMAO!!!!!!!!!

Does this word confuse you TR??????????? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

The definition of woman is being changed. I'm afraid looking it up in the dictionary isn't enough. It was the same when the dictionary states marriage was a union between man and woman and people actually thought that Webster was going to stop gay marriage lol!

Chinaman(3570) Disputed
1 point

You can't respond to the 2 links then you prove that you are Gender Confused!! LMAO!!!!!!