
Debate Info

He lies about everything Pathological liar
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 He lies about everything (3)
 Pathological liar (2)

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HappyCat(161) pic

Biden caught lying about where he got his first job

Idaho company speaks out after Biden claims he received his 'first job offer' from there: 'We have no record'

He lies about everything

Side Score: 3

Pathological liar

Side Score: 2
1 point

Biden caught lying about where he got his first job

Hello B:

Hold on there podner.. Me and Joe are the same age.. I got my first job delivering pizza's for Joe Sano in Denver.. I ran into him several years later, and he didn't have a clue who I was. Of course, they didn't keep personal records for 60 years.. And, WHO is this guy who is still in business at the same place for 60 years? You googled him, right??? NO you didn't, cause that guy doesn't exist

Plus, you're gonna have to get a better source than Glenn Beck..


Side: He lies about everything
1 point

Though this lie seems very minor, and I'm sitting here trying to figure out why in the hell is his first job this damn important. And it's not important at all. But the only thing I am worried about, however, is that this little minor, white lie, could make Biden more comfortable with lying and he could say something that could really devastate this country. But right now all we can do is cross our fingers and wait for 2024.

Side: He lies about everything
Ahoghill(1452) Clarified
1 point

Little lies almost always lead to BIGGER ones which invariably lead to BIG TROUBLE.

Biden has proven himself to be a compulsive liar who will say anything and make any fictitious claim if he feels it will curry favor with his immediate audience.

Poor old Bungling Biden seems to be unable to comprehend that he is going to be called to account for his falsehoods.

Due to his ignorance, and/or fading memory he has failed to take heed of the old adage;-, Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Side: He lies about everything
Ahoghill(1452) Clarified
1 point

Little lies almost always lead to BIGGER ones which invariably lead to BIG TROUBLE.

Biden has proven himself to be a compulsive liar who will say anything and make any fictitious claim if he feels it will curry favor with his immediate audience.

Poor old Bungling Biden seems to be unable to comprehend that he is going to be called to account for his falsehoods.

Due to his ignorance, and/or fading memory he has failed to take heed of the old adage;-, Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Side: He lies about everything
1 point

Not having a documented record of someone's employment history within your company does not mean that that person never worked for you.

Even the I.R.S., do not expect you to retain receipts or check-journals for fifty years or more.

I would be fairly certain that very few, if any any human resource managers could pull open a filing cabinet or login to his/her computer and find the employment details of employees of more than five decades ago.

Every politician is a liar, and Bungling Joe is no exception.

They say that a liar must have a good memory and this is where Bungling Joe is at a big disadvantage.

Side: Pathological liar
balia(1) Disputed
1 point
Side: He lies about everything
1 point

Though this lie seems very minor, and I'm sitting here trying to figure out why in the hell is his first job this damn important. And it's not important at all. But the only thing I am worried about, however, is that this little minor, white lie, could make Biden more comfortable with lying and he could say something that could really devastate this country. But right now all we can do is cross our fingers and wait for 2024.

Side: Pathological liar