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 Biden's ATF director admits he is an Idiot - Is anyone surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!! (3)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

Biden's ATF director admits he is an Idiot - Is anyone surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!

Biden Administration ATF Director cannot define an 'assault weapon' imagine that ! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
ATF DIRECTOR: "I'm not a firearms expert."
Say what the ATF director is a DUMMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can anyone name one person in the Biden administration who they think is doing a good job? Just one.
That would be a Big NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 point

Not a firearms expert but his job is to deal with firearms. Welcome to a broken government. Welcome to the bureaucratic machine.

The ATF Director, like most Biden appointees, is completely unqualified to lead.

1 point

The Biden administration can't define what a woman is so what makes one even imagine the Crazy Joe administration could define what a Assault weapon is ????????

1 point

Qualifications, experience nor function competency form any part of the appointment selection process in THE IMBECILES' administration.

Skin color, (preferably black) a radical left-wing ideology, a congenital loathing for the United States along with all it stands for and an irrational hatred of white people are the only criteria necessary to become a decision making executive within THE IMBECILES family of Mafioso political thugs.

This attestation is born out by the ramblings of Cackling kamala's eye-watering embarrassing gobbledygook.