
Debate Info

For Against
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:35
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 For (11)
 Against (4)

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adilzhan2372(13) pic

Birth control

Nowadays, problems of demography are solved by controlling of birth-rate. Is it right or not let's discuss now!


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 11

People do it anyway. Italy paid people at a point in time so they can get their population back up. France has only half a country of actual french people because half the population are tourists or foreigners. I think you should use it.(Just dont do some of the stuff china did)

Side: For

Is this a debate for making citizens have children, or for the use of birth control. I am pro both, but i just want to know.

Side: For
1 point

Yes, I am for birth control because it allows the person who is does want to be pregnant still have sex. Also it slows down unsustainable population growth but still allows people to take care of their needs.

Side: For
1 point

People have the right to choose whether they become parents or not.

Side: For
1 point

If you mean birth control as using the contraceptives, then it is fine with me. It doesnt hurt anyone at all. But, using of pills is very detrimental to the body because it kills certain cells in our body which is really needed, and it could even lead to cancer.

Side: For
1 point

People are having sex anyway. The least we can do is make it readily available for those who can't support or give children a good life.

Side: For
1 point

Well it's someone's choice you don't want a person having a baby and realize they aren't ready for one.

Even ways there are a lot of people on earth, I'm not saying to making babies or kill a bunch of people, I'm saying that it is a good thing birth control has been created.

Side: For
2 points

Yes! In fact, I think it should be mandatory for everyone.

Side: Against

yes...even if it is an abortion. there are way to many people breeding that shouldnt be. and even the ones that seem fit, are having too many. if the rest of the world doesnt follow China's lead quickly...we will destroy ourselves. (edit...whoops, wrong side, "hellno's" comment confused me)

Side: Against