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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 For (5)

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Scout143(652) pic

Boy Scouts allow gays.

Yesterday, the Boy Scouts of America voted on a resolution to allow openly gay boys to join the scouts, finally ending a decade long battle between liberal groups and religious organizations via the scouts. It was a close vote, with 60% voting yes. Many troops and scouting organizations are against the resolution. They did not change their policy on adult leaders though. Do you agree with the resolution, making the Boy Scouts more accepting, or not due to the Scouts christian ties and violation of the scouts oath of being "morally straight"? 

I am an Eagle Scout, and I loved scouting. I just don't know what to make of this though.


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 0
1 point

Why should your sexuality be criteria for refusing a boy to a scout troop? Can you imagine if it was a restriction on race?

Side: For
Scout143(652) Clarified
1 point

The dispute was a religious one. The Boy Scouts is a Christian organization, which is against homosexuality. They fought this in the Supreme Court a few years ago, and the BSA won. Now they allow gays and lose support from their donors and supporters, as well as membership. I feel they have a right to refuse gays, as well as atheists. It's within their freedom of religion. I think they felt forced into the decision by the media and a very vocal minority, when the vast majority wanted to keep it status quo.

If it was a restriction on race, religion, and creed, why are there restrictions in colleges, scholarships, clubs, and organizations? They have a right to do so, protected by the Constitution and the Supreme Court. Yet, the BSA is excluded from it suddenly? I feel they were pressured into it unwillingly. It seems to conflict with their pledge of being "morally straight".

Side: For
1 point

The Boy Scouts ban on gays is not a Christian decision and should not be enforced, if the Boy Scouts are a Christian organization. One of the biggest arguments is that homosexuality is immoral and because of that, then they should not be allowed to in because it would damage the Christian moral image of the scouts. However, are we not all guilty of immorality? He who is without sin, throw the first stone (and then, after hearing this, the older ones walked away). To welcome homosexuals into the Boy Scouts is what Christ would have wanted! Remember, He partied with the scum of the city, the prostitutes and the tax collectors. If the Boy Scouts are a Christian organization, then they are an organization of the church. The church is not a refuge for the well; it is a refuge for the sick: the one's who guide other sick men to the doctor, who is Christ. It actually saddens me to see supposed Christians discriminate against homosexuals in this way, while pretending to be self-righteous themselves... The ban should have been lifted a long time ago.... They are now more Christian than they were before...

*As a side note, for any who want to call me a hypocrite: this is not the same as homosexual marriage.

Side: For
Scout143(652) Clarified
1 point

So, you support the decision so the BSA can try to guide them into a better lifestyle?

Side: For
lolzors93(3225) Clarified
1 point

I support the decision to allow gays into the Boy Scouts!

Side: For

As a boy scout, just let them join. Being gay should not disqualify you from camping with children, being a sex offender should.

Side: For
Scout143(652) Clarified
1 point

I agree, but I kinda view this issue not as one with homosexuality and equality, but as a religious and constitutional battle. I feel like the BSA got pressured against their will to do this. The Supreme Court upheld their right to ban gays due to their right of religion and free speech, but the BSA was attacked for it instead of respecting their decision. The BSA came out as the enemy and that they hated gays (which they don't).

Side: For
GuitaristDog(2538) Clarified
1 point

Well, the BSA hating gays varies from troop to troop. Some troops are very against homosexuality, but I know troops in my area with openly gay scouts. They are a private organization and they have the right to choose to discriminate or not discriminate the same way all private organizations do.

Side: For

The Boy Scouts should allow Gay leaders. The Boy Scouts have to adapt to the changes of modern society.

Side: For
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