
Debate Info

Alt-Reich Alt-Reich
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:10
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 Alt-Reich (2)

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jamesbody(80) pic

Brontoraptor Has Held A Grudge Against The Left Ever Since They Took Berlin In 1945

He has never forgiven them. Fact.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 4
Bronto(2002) Banned
1 point

I was born in the 1970's. Cool lameass story bro.

Side: Alt-Reich
jamesbody(80) Disputed
1 point

I was born in the 1970's.

Of course you were, my infamous little liar. Now tell us more about how you burned down the Reichstag and framed Communists.

Side: Alt-Reich
Spuds(1074) Banned
1 point

Looks like Nom cedes that the left helped Germany takeover Poland.

Side: Alt-Reich
jamesbody(80) Disputed
1 point

Looks like Nom cedes

Nom never cedes to Nazis. Nom butchers Nazis and dumps their bodies in a river.

Side: Alt-Reich
Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

Nom never cedes to Nazis. Nom butchers Nazis and dumps their bodies in a river.

Real meaning = Nom shits himself when he hears a German accent yet he wants to be one

Side: Alt-Reich