
Debate Info

Only Once in A While Once a Month
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:35
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 Only Once in A While (7)
 Once a Month (12)

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Kuklapolitan(4313) pic

CD Town Meetings - Once in a while or Once a month?

I've only been to one CD Town Hall Meeting and think it was a disaster. Too few from CD itself and not quite enough members to mean much but in-fighting led the way.  I don't know what your thoughts are on these meetings or if you've ever been to one but I'd like to find out what you think of them if you have.  If you haven't, I wonder what you imagine them to be.  Do you think this is something that should be ongoing seeing that we have so many newbies all the time or something that's helpful only once in a while.  I'll weigh in somewhere in the middle, if it gets there!

Only Once in A While

Side Score: 12

Once a Month

Side Score: 22
3 points

We are actually almost ready to release a new version of CD that I think you guys will love (we have been working on this for months). Finally, you will all have the ability to become community moderators, which will come with a lot of new, advanced administration capabilities.

You guys are the heart & soul of CD and so you'll be the first to know. I will make sure that that we organize a town hall to communicate more information...very soon.

Side: Only Once in A While
2 points

If it takes place that often, all of the pressing issues will be covered quickly, and then it will become pointless.

It would be nice to see one come up here, soon, though. I heard there was going to be an update in early April, by the way... Whatever happened to that?

Side: Only Once in A While

I haven't seen anything about April Frenchie. You'll know when it's going to happen. There will be a Buzzzzzzzzz about it! Check out my reply to Jake on how to get your stuff in without screaming at the keyboard!

Side: Only Once in A While
2 points

Well, I was told April by Loudacris.

But, I enjoy the site as it is, and I know they must be busy.

Side: Only Once in A While
1 point

It would seem to rushed. That and idk wtf a town meeting is. Since I have never been to one. I have heard Bradford say town hall before but thats about it.

Side: I'm Lost

Read Loudacris, Mine and Bradf0rd's responses Wolf ``````````````````````````````````

Side: Only Once in A While
2 points

Somebody please explain what these meetings are all about, I am lost. I would like them to happen more often.

Is it like some kind of live chat thing or what? DETAILS DETAILS I want IN!

Side: Once a Month
3 points

I'm with jake, how come I never know when these things are? or how to get to them? Not that I'd even participate, but I'd at least like to know.

Side: Once a Month

A Town Hall Meeting is a gripe session and it's typed, thank God! Otherwise we'd be stepping all over each other trying to get our points across. It's not just a gripe session's also the things that can make CD a better place to be with things being done more effectively and fairly. When it comes...don't take on too much. I would suggest 10 items or less split between gripes and betterment. Write them down and cut and paste onto the screen. You'll get your answers.....or you won't...LOL!

Side: Once a Month
2 points

I see.

Yeah I assumed it is typed but It would be cool if it was all on web cam. Imagine a live debate! That would be intense!!

Side: Once a Month

I'd like to know what town meetings are, what the purpose of them is, and when they are. Thank you.

Side: I'm Lost

See my own, Loudacris and Bradf0rd's responses Tony. ````````````````````````````````````````````````

Side: Once a Month
2 points

CreateDebate has been in beta since I started here maybe a year or so ago. It was worse then, and certain people were active here then that made it easy to talk about what CreateDebate needed, what it didn't, and problems in the sites architecture. I started a few debates about this, and in one of my arguments suggested a "Town hall", an idea (more like a name) taken from digg. It's more applicable here, I think.

Each individual here should be use to debate, throwing ideas around, critiquing and complimenting ideas, so I thought this would be a great resource. The Town Hall is supposed to harness the cognitive power of the members of CD to help CD. Not only for us, but for new people. It was supposed to be a brain-storming session to accelerate CreateDebate's evolution.

I was supposed to be at the two in the past, but found myself doing other things, probably work. I don't know how the others went and I don't know where the site overlords are, I never hear from them anymore, so I can't say the idea is still a valid option. If they happened once a month maybe one of these months I'd actually have time :|

Side: Once a Month

Priorities, LOL! ```````````````````````````````````````````````

Side: Once a Month

I think once a month. Like a woman's menstrual cycle so that people can get their bitching out of the way and be done with it ;)

Side: Once a Month