
Debate Info

My life mission! Not gunna happen..
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 My life mission! (1)
 Not gunna happen.. (6)

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saprophetic(389) pic

CD: the next FB?

Wouldn't it be... extraordinary? :D

My life mission!

Side Score: 1

Not gunna happen..

Side Score: 9
1 point

OK, CD is truely my life's mission. Therefore I hope it becomes insanely popular! But we can't let it be taken over by those who might see it become a popularity contest.

Either way, please invite your friends, but also, please invite your enemies!


Side: My life mission!
3 points

Facebook is far too connected to real life, CD on the other hand offers people a chance to discuss, argue and talk about topics that they may know a lot about and subjects which they would want to learn more about.

Side: Not gunna happen..

Think about it.

On FB the goal is to share pictures of you, your family, your friends, share your thoughts (what you're thinking), what's going on in your life (your status), your likes and dislikes, links, etc. Then other people go, "Ah, that's cute." and click the "like" button and they want to become friends. Then you say that you like their status and they say they like your status and everyone is all lovey dovey.

On CD the goal is to find a liberal, call him an idiot and move on with your life ;)

Side: Not gunna happen..

True, on Facebook, everyone is all lovey dovey. It is rather gay. CD is much better. Actually learn something here or annoy.

Side: Not gunna happen..
1 point

That's definitely not gonna happen. They're way too different.

Side: Not gunna happen..
1 point

CD is just Awesome! But, hey this is far from happening. People here debate or argue or the least share a common thought. It might get real popular, but Fb is just what it is and CD will remain what it is. Their objectives are different.

Side: Not gunna happen..
1 point

I would like it to become a more popular site, but I don't come here to socialize.

Side: Not gunna happen..