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RandomDude(1286) pic

Can God commit a sin?



Side Score: 4


Side Score: 10

Remember Nixon? "If the president does it, that means it is not illegal." We all laughed our asses off at that. God sins constantly while murdering people with giant floods and things of the like, but he's not necessarily punished for it.

Side: Yes
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

he does those things to test us and see what we will do and if you don't pass the test you burn in hell

Side: No

'God', in this instance, refers to the, supposed, perfectly moral & omnipotent Christian God.

Lets say there is moral law, and God is perfectly moral. Therefore, all of his actions are perfectly moral.

However, the Bible has instances of God killing (for debates purpose, we shall say that this is against moral law).

Now, this begs the question: where does moral law come from? Does God create it, with his actions? Or is it constant, and objective? Neither answer fits.

If God creates moral law, as he goes, this gives a few issues. First of all, it doesn't work, as God is a timeless, higher dimensional being then humans. Second, it means that everyone that goes to hell, for breaking this moral law, was sent their directly by God, as their actions were only bad because he decreed so. And finally, it doesn't work moral law must be constant, and as God has 'bent' his moral law through his killings, it obviously isn't.

So, moral law must be independent of God. But then God is not omnipotent. He is also unable to ignore moral law, in his killings, and other mischievousness.

No option works. Therefore, it would be reasonable to say that their does not exist: an omnipotent and wholly good Christian God, and/or moral law (including killing).

Side: Yes
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
1 point

God exists but I never said he was wholly good because he's not. Now look, he's watching so i can't get into details but he is all powerful and sometimes kind of a dick but if you believe in him and worship him then he will give you a pass and if you are lucky he will let you serve him in the after-life

Side: No
BenWalters(1513) Disputed
1 point

I'm not denying that a 'dicky' God exists. I'm simply talking about the origin of morality, whether or not it comes from God, as that's relevant to whether or not God can commit a sin. Basically, if he creates moral law, he's flawed but he can't commit a sin. If he doesn't, he can commit sin, and has, so is also flawed. That's not exclusive to what you're saying.

Side: Yes
kajohn3(1) Disputed
1 point

I know I am reigniting a debate you all stopped a year ago, but I'm really surprised that no one brought up the point that God offers eternal life. This is the claim and the hope, right? So if you believe in the 3 omni (omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient) God then you believe he is in control over time/eternity etc. So that means what we see as murder here, may not be murder if the individual goes on to another life, because the life never ended. It is a sin for the mortal, because we are not to play God by determining the end date in this place for a person, only God is. I hope that sparks a new discussion on eternity, because that is the real issue here. We are living in temporal linear time and this discussion has been trying to apply the laws of temporal life to a being that lives outside of those parameters. There is more, keep asking questions.

Side: No

yes, God made us, we are a sin if you think about it, all we do is sin.

Side: Yes
2 points

No! God is the exception. He can do whatever he wants and it is not a sin because he is all powerful

Side: No
Dremorius(861) Clarified
2 points

Leviticus 20:9 "'If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death."

Is this an example of him doing what he wants??

Side: Yes

No because God determines what is a sin...........................................

Side: No
RandomDude(1286) Clarified
1 point

But if god says murder is a sin and then he commits murder, is he a hypocrite? (Not that my god would ever do such a thing of course)

Side: Yes
1 point

According to the Bible, he does just that, on numerous occasions.

Side: No

God is imaginary, so no imaginary entities can commit a sin.---------------------------

Side: No
1 point

We are made to believe that God is the one that helps us when we need help, yet we blame him when we don't get what we want. Thiings happen in a way that is so coincidentally that we think it happened BY CHANCE but the thing is God is helping us, so do you think that he has time to SIN. Personally I don't think that God sins cause God is just TO BUSY TO SIN cause he just has no time.

Side: No
1 point

Because he is just to bust to even Sin, he is constantly helping that he does't even has time to rest. SO WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Side: No