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 Can You Get Rich Without Being Greedy? (14)

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Can You Get Rich Without Being Greedy?

Science of Getting Rich Chapter 1 Review

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3 points
Yeah, I absolutely think that you can become rich without being greedy. To explain what I mean, I have to define some terms first:
Rich: don't have to work anymore to sustain the quality of life that one is used to.
Greedy: Continue to reward yourself at the expense of others.
With that said, I think there are lots of people in the world that have become rich without becoming greedy. For instance: Warren Buffet, Steven Spielberg and Robert Kyosaki.
3 points
I agree, there are many examples of people who are wealthy beyond belief who use their money to improve the lives of others. I think that greediness means that you look at the world's monetary supply as a fixed pie and that you need to increase your slice of the pie and that means others have to have less for you to have more. If you think of it as being able to expand the pie so that everyone's lives can be improved then you are able to earn more and become "rich" without having to use greed to get there.
1 point
You say that many have become rich without becoming greedy. Logically then, some have become rich and greedy.
Why do you suppose that is? Why do some increase their wealth without infringing on others, and some want more - at the expense of others?
3 points
When you say rich...does it have to be monetary! You can be rich in many different ways. Im talking semantics.
2 points
That's true. That would be a good spin-off debate like: What is the best way to be rich.
0 points
Wallace Wattles, in The Science Of Getting Rich, specifically states that he is talking about monetary wealth.
So, while there are many ways "to be rich", I guess we are talking about money here.
2 points
Can you get rich by creating? Or is it necessary to compete in order to get rich? What do you think of the review given by WillDu on this blog?
2 points
My original purpose for starting this debate was to get people to read the review written by WillDu at the blog and then discuss the points put forth in that review.
This is my first debate here, and I am learning by doing. So, I accept responsibility for the fact that I did not express the purpose well enough to get people to read the review.
However, this debate is going well - lots of good points put forth. So, let's continue, shall we?
This video is pretty much the content of the last chapter of the book.
I'm sure that WillDu will continue with his chapter reviews, and I will try again to instigate debates regarding those reviews.
**Science Of Getting Rich - Summary Of The Principles**
2 points

Sure you can, but the sad truth is that most people that are rich ( $$$ wise ) do not circulate any of their money back into the community. Some of these prodigiously rich men do not donate any money to people they simply aggrandize their own bank accounts even more that they already are. If I had worked and gotten to be the CEO of some company lets say Sprint, maybe I would not think the same way.

Maybe if I had to work for my riches I would not want to give up my blood sweat and tears for those who are to lazy to get to the position that I am in. Is it really being greedy when you worked to get the income you recieve?

Side: hmm yes fashizzle dizzle
1 point
No, you lose something when you become rich. Anyone I've talked to with lots of money gets fed up with people way too much and needs to be treated specially all the time. This might not be greediness, but it shows that they start to have a more "I want it now" attitude, which is basically greed. Maybe it's not greed for money, but it's at least greed for special attention.
Side: hmm yes fashizzle dizzle
2 points
Are you saying that having wealth changed their attitude?
Interesting point.
One of the main premises of The Science Of Getting Rich is that we must change our way of thinking to become rich. It doesn't look at the possibility that it is the other way around - the accumulation of money will be what changes our way of thinking.
Side: hmm yes fashizzle dizzle
pvtNobody(645) Disputed
2 points
I'd say that it's possible that by becoming wealthy one might become greedy, but it's not necessarily something that happens automatically. I might even concede that it's quite common for people who have accumulated a great deal of wealth to become greedy or as often as not to have been greedy to start with.
Side: hmm yes fashizzle dizzle
0 points
If you're smart enough, anything is possible.
Side: hmm yes fashizzle dizzle
2 points
So, are you saying that it is the ability to think intelligently that is the deciding factor?
A basic premise of The Science of Getting Rich is - that it is our ability to form a clear mental image of our desire and hold that image with persistence and with faith that it will become reality that is the key.
If that premise is true, then intelligence is NOT the key factor. What do you say?
Side: hmm yes fashizzle dizzle