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 Can bullying in schools be stopped? How so? (13)

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Countrygirl4(148) pic

Can bullying in schools be stopped? How so?

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1 point

Bully the bullies.

1 point

Yes, ban all pupils under the age of 97 from attending school and inject them daily with anti-bullying serum as an added precaution.

Well, with the Progressive movement, there is no longer any teeth in a school's diciplinary actions. They can't kick kids out of school so they put trouble kids in classes where they get one on one teacher aide help, and you wonder why kids keep bullying?

When I went to school the principle could paddle the children and guess what? We behaved because of it. Today, the parents scream if a principle dared spank their bullying child.

Today with all the no fault Liberal's in positions of power over school rules, there is absolutely no posible answer to the bullying problem.

Our families are broken today and many of these bullies have no father at home. What possible reason would that bully stop his behavior with no discipline.

Until the progressive control bigots stop the lie of separation of church and state, our families will become even more broken and the bullying problem will grow. Kids are just acting out on their frustrations and anger of being abandoned by their parents.

Without God, this nation's core values have died. No accountbility, no consequences for bad behavior, etc.

We live in the new no fault America.

Jace(5211) Disputed
0 points

Bullies have existed longer than the contemporary liberal has. They predate the anti-corporal punishment movement as well. Can you prove that bullying has actually increased since these changes were implemented? For that matter, can you substantiate any of your other claims? I am particular interested in your allegations about kids without fathers/parents. Also, your implicit assertion that atheists are more likely to be bullies.

Unless you respond with such substantiation, I shall assume you have none and that your claims are just as baseless as they usually are and not worthy of my continued attention.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I never said atheists are more likely to be bullies. An Atheist may have been raised with both parents at home and instilled with the knowledge of consequences for one's actions.

He would understand that if the school told his parents of his bullying, his father or mother would discipline him and the consequences would outway what sick pleasure he got out of bullyng some other child.

When I speak of a culture where religious expression in public is censored, I am speaking to the impact on our family units and as a result the impact on our children.

Maybe you are not old enough to have witnessed the sexual revolution manifesting itself around the same time frame as the "separation of church and state" histera. Our culture was bent on ridding itself of any mention of moral values and responsible living. People wanted to be able to sleep around, have one night stands, get pregnant, get other's pregnant, live together outside of marrige, no committment, etc. with NO ONE making them feel ashamed for their actions, no one telling them it is irresponsible to do those types of things because of the harm it does to children born into those non committal relationships.

I realize the younger generation has no clue of how it was fifty years ago in pubic schools. I DO! I lived it and need no facts or figures to know there was much more order and discipline in public schools. Kids did fear the paddle, or having the school call their parents, etc.

Yes there were still bullies as always from the beginning of time, but FAR FEWER. Yes there were borken homes 50 years ago but FAR FEWER.

It does not take a brain surgeon to quickly recognise that kids from broken home often have many more insecurity issues and tendencies to lash out in negative ways. Just listen to the teachers!

I need no statistics, or facts to prove what I say. It's called looking at life, listening to school teachers, the news, etc. to easiy see the damage of broken homes on a child's behavior towards others. Quite often they are jealous of those with happy famlies.

With this no fault, no shame culture today , people continue living their irresponsible lifestlyes, and who is harmed the most? Our children.

You want facts to back up my claim? Look at the cops at so many middle schools today. Why are they there? Look at all the counselors now employed in schools. Why are they there? Look at all the teacher aides in schools whose soul function is working with troubled kids. Why are they there? We had no need for these people in our public schools 50 years ago. I know because I lived it.

It's truly a waste of time debating Liberals. They so fear and hate the very mention of moral values, they simply bury their head in the sand and deny the OBVIOUS! They will watch this nation die before they ever admit we have an immoral selfish culture creating most of our problems.

I never said atheists are more likely to be bullies. An Atheist may have been raised with both parents at home and instilled with the knowledge of consequences for one's actions.

He would understand that if the school told his parents of his bullying, his father or mother would discipline him and the consequences would outway what sick pleasure he got out of bullyng some other child.

When I speak of a culture where religious expression in public is censored, I am speaking to the impact on our family units and as a result the impact on our children.

Maybe you are not old enough to have witnessed the sexual revolution manifesting itself around the same time frame as the "separation of church and state" histera. Our culture was bent on ridding itself of any mention of moral values and responsible living. People wanted to be able to sleep around, have one night stands, get pregnant, get other's pregnant, live together outside of marrige, no committment, etc. with NO ONE making them feel ashamed for their actions, no one telling them it is irresponsible to do those types of things because of the harm it does to children born into those non committal relationships.

I realize the younger generation has no clue of how it was fifty years ago in pubic schools. I DO! I lived it and need no facts or figures to know there was much more order and discipline in public schools. Kids did fear the paddle, or having the school call their parents, etc.

Yes there were still bullies as always from the beginning of time, but FAR FEWER. Yes there were borken homes 50 years ago but FAR FEWER.

It does not take a brain surgeon to quickly recognise that kids from broken home often have many more insecurity issues and tendencies to lash out in negative ways. Just listen to the teachers!

I need no statistics, or facts to prove what I say. It's called looking at life, listening to school teachers, the news, etc. to easiy see the damage of broken homes on a child's behavior towards others. Quite often they are jealous of those with happy famlies.

With this no fault, no shame culture today , people continue living their irresponsible lifestlyes, and who is harmed the most? Our children.

You want facts to back up my claim? Look at the cops at so many middle schools today. Why are they there? Look at all the counselors now employed in schools. Why are they there? Look at all the teacher aides in schools whose soul function is working with troubled kids. Why are they there? We had no need for these people in our public schools 50 years ago. I know because I lived it.

It's truly a waste of time debating Liberals. They so fear and hate the very mention of moral values, they simply bury their head in the sand and deny the OBVIOUS! They will watch this nation die before they ever admit we have an immoral selfish culture creating most of our problems.

1 point

Bullies will always exist. You have bullies at all ages from babies on up to the elderly. Now if you try to eliminate them in school while you are young and learning about the realities of life then you eliminate the process of learning about how to deal with real world scenarios. You in essence create victims. If not for bullies I may have grown up to be a victim (wimp,pussy,pansy,Sally)

0 points

No, of course not. It can be reduced, however, and arguably should be in its more severe forms. At the same time, it would be considerably more effective to actually teach children how to respond to bullying. For starters, not being so thin skinned and passive might help. Teaching children (or anyone, really) that they are entitled to never be made fun of or offended is not just an absurd lie that flies in the face of reality, but it is actually harmful.