
Debate Info

One can No one can
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 One can (4)
 No one can (4)

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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Can one truly be anger free?

"Those whom say they do not possess anger are in denial." - Lynaldea.

I stated in an argument before that was posted stating basically, I forgive sometimes but I do not get angry.

Note: This is not a drama debate, it's just a question to ponder.

A woman meditating with a horrid angry look on her face.

One can

Side Score: 4

No one can

Side Score: 6

With no evidence but myself, I think one can be truly anger free.

It's pretty simple to brush off minor personal attacks, and I refrain from things that could pose more of a threat to my peace.

Side: One can

I think anger can be avoided if tolerance is quite high and one can take a hyper-optimistic approach to everything.

Side: One can
1 point

One likely has a neurosis that should be clinically addressed if they do not experience good long "anger free" periods. Psychologically, anger is akin to a state of panic, and if one can't learn how to calm down and rationally asses a situation they should seek help.

Side: One can

I think someone can place his/her anger under control instead of taking it out on others or objects.

Side: One can
3 points

Emotions are a part of being a human. Its impossible to escape it without losing your humanity. But it is possible to put rationality above emotions

Side: No one can
1 point

Not in my experience. Anger is a basic human emotion. That is why I believe that forgiveness is a process.

Side: No one can
1 point

People will alwys get angry whether it's a little or a lot it's not really something you can avoid. Everyone has a moment of anger at least once in their life.

Side: No one can

We all have the potential to become Hulk. We just happen to not have been born such magnificent demons.

Side: No one can