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Debate Score:3
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excon(18261) pic

Can we at least agree that excon is a scumbag??

when I gave him that answer, he didn't like it and insisted the opposite is true on the basis that he is too stupid to differentiate between GPS pinging systems and a system which transmits huge quantities of data in real time

Hello hater:

Couple things..  You called me names and then banned me from responding..  In MY world, only a coward/scumbag hides from the truth..  So, I did what I did when Fromwithin hid from me..  I copied the debate so I COULD respond.

Second thing is..  It's not that I don't LIKE your response..  It's that it's wrong, wrong, wrong, and even wronger than that..  Why you'd expose your ignorance is beyond me..  Specially, when the GPS system is a SIMPLE system to understand.

So, let's go over it once again..  The GPS system doesn't have receivers, because it doesn't receive signals..  It TRANSMITS them..  And, it's the same simple signal ALL THE TIME..  It's kinda like a radio that's only tuned to one station.  The ACTION, if you will, happens on the receiving end of the signal - your car and/or your phone..  Like ANY tracking service, like tracking your dog, your receiver picks up THREE signals from THREE different satellites so the computer can easily compute position, course and speed. 

It works that way because relative to your car/phone, the satellites are STATIONERY in the sky..  They don't MOVE, so WHERE the satellite IS, and ALWAYS is, makes the computation simple.. 

I only mention GPS because because a network like that absolutely could track every airplane in the sky..


So, a helpful fellow like me ISN'T a scumbag..  He's a wise learned Jewish POLITE teacher..  Ok, maybe not so polite..  Go fuck yourself in your Jew hating, science denying ass.



Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1

Couple things.. You called me names and then banned me from responding

I banned you from responding because you're a scumbag who never tells the truth about anything. Why would I -- or anybody for that matter -- want to debate a liar?

Side: Yes

So, let's go over it once again

This is exactly the problem. No matter how many times I correct you, no matter how many stupid things you write, you will ALWAYS come back at me as if the opposite has just happened. You are not just dishonest. You are outright DELUSIONAL. Four hours ago you were telling us that satellites sit in the sky (rather than Earth's orbit) and that they don't move. You're literally a fucking IDIOT, you OBVIOUSLY don't have the faintest idea what you are talking about, and you'll never admit it because you're a PRICK.

I think that about covers it.

Side: Yes
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