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Facadeon(508) pic

Christianity destroyed... by memes.

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1 point

Oh Snaaap.

atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

Well I can't see your picture but you do recognize Christianity as meme complex don't you? What makes you think it won't just adapt like it seems to be just fine at doing?

Facadeon(508) Disputed
1 point

"Makes a man before even thinking about making a woman. Gives man nipples."

(Nipples were originally meant for women, and the fact men have them is a biological mistake as they have no use. Some men can even lactate (produce milk) from their nipples even though they were not meant to be motherly. It is an evolutionary-biological mistake.)

Any adaption would be dishonest to the Christian religion. It would just be last ditch attempts to patch up a messed up man-made religion, beyond logical repair. People who continue to follow this religion will be dishonest of themselves or generally unintelligent /ignorant.

Just because Christianity seems to be doing 'fine', doesn't mean it is. Ignorance can make it seem that way.

1 point

I don't see anything. What does it say?

1 point

Ok where is the picture? I don't see it so therefore it isn't destroyed.

Facadeon(508) Clarified
1 point

Here's a link for it:

I can see it just fine. Not sure why others can't see it though.

1 point

For some reason it doesn't seem to be popping up for other people. Here's the link:

I don't think memes destroy anything. They can be humorous, but that's all.