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Debate Score:10
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Nick29(6) pic

Co-ed schools are better than single-sex schools

Are co-ed schools better than single-sex schools in your opinion? Why or why not


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 0
2 points

i would say yes because although one could argue the opposite gender could be a distraction. there are always going to be distractions but mixing genders gives a chance for better social development and interacting with the opposite sex can be beneficial for their future. because they get used to just having them around not necessarily being attracted to them.

Side: Yes
Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

Firstly, you conflate gender with sex.

Secondly, you assume heterosexuality is the only orientation.

Thirdly, do you really believe kids (in all grade levels, mind) are so sex-obsessed that they will be incapable of focusing on learning? Co-ed schools have existed for some time now, with this really not ever being a problem.

At least you chose the better side to defend...

Side: Yes
ffemt333(51) Disputed
1 point

1. what do you mean by that? i dont assume thats another thing even in single sex schools what about homosexuals?

and 3. exactly

Side: Yes
2 points

There is no legitimate or compelling reason for single-sex schools. There are, however, significant reasons to prefer co-ed schools; for instance: integration avoids the inherent inequity of "separate but equal"; or, children and youth learn to socialize with all sexes and genders; etc.

Side: Yes
1 point

I attend a single-sex school currently, but I don't think anything justifies gender segregation or anything that makes children believe that men and women are inherently unequal or require different sorts of education. Single-sex schools are a habit of the past that need to be abolished.

Side: Yes
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