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Could God abolish evil?

This is assuming he exists, obviouslly.

I won't pretend I'm knowledgable on the subject. Correct me if I'm wrong. If god created the laws of the universe (the physics and our natures) could he just create a perfect system that won't flaw. Note: This is not saying God created evil. I've heard often enough that evil is the lack of God so I won't go there, but is there a way God could just make it so that the things he creates can not lose him/

Also, please do not broach the subject of why he wouldn't or would if he could, that's an entirely different debate and could be created after this one has run it's course.


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 1

Assuming that we are talking about the god with the impossible characteristics of being all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, technically yes. However if god would abolish evil, it would go against other traits/decisions attributed to him (or her. Why is that the common retard of a Christian always assumes that god is a male? Sexist much?).

Side: Yes
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

I like where you're going but hold off on the why for now. Also, it's my male predisposition to call anything I'm not familiar with, that's not definitively otherwise, a male. I do the same with animals for instance i might say "He bit the little one" not knowing what the gender of either animal is. Sorry for that, i'll consider that in the future.

Side: Yes
Idiotobx914(1339) Clarified
1 point

I like where you're going but hold off on the why for now.


Also, it's my male predisposition to call anything I'm not familiar with, that's not definitively otherwise, a male. I do the same with animals for instance i might say "He bit the little one" not knowing what the gender of either animal is. Sorry for that, i'll consider that in the future.

I feel that I must apologize, I did not mean to aim my comment (about Christians being sexist) at you. I simply wish for Christians reading my comment to understand the potential of god possibly being female (and thus going against a commonly assumed detail) . It is good however (at least I think it's good) to clarify in arguments the small details on a topic such as this.

Side: Yes

Yes, if he exists that is (which I am sure he doesn't) because he is supposed to be omnipotent.

Side: Yes
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
2 points

While I'm not asserting that a god exists, I don't believe omnipotence is a mandatory trait for a god or gods.

The christian god, for example, isn't asserted to be omnipotent directly. Different passages may say things to the effect of "through god, all things are possible." While this is generally accepted to mean omnipotence, keep in mind that this is said by a human being living in the early Iron Age. With modern technology, everything that a person from that age could conceive of (and much that he could not) is not only possible, but easy.

The global flood deal is similar; in an age where the fastest man could go was dependent on the physical condition of his horse/camel/etc, 'the whole world' was a much smaller place. A localized flood could certainly take up 'the whole world' insofar as a a small settlement of the time was concerned.

Side: Yes

You would basically be getting controlled, because you would have no free will....but yes, he is da flippin God for Christ sakes.

Side: Yes
1 point

Well, he's supposedly going to abolish it eventually, according to the Bible. Why he doesn't just go ahead and snap his fingers and make it disappear right now, is beyond me... that's assuming that he is real though.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes He can abolish evil.

Side: Yes

Why doesn't he then? .

Side: Yes

Why should he? Even if God lied and purposefully put evil here why is he obligated to eradicate evil? Even if God was absolutly good why should he eliminate the option to do harm to others or evil things?

Side: Yes
1 point

If God abolished evil right now. Would you and I still exist today? No, we simply wouldn't because even we as human beings are evil. We do evil actions, speak things that are evil, and even think evil things in our own minds. We all as humans have a potential to do evil. Hence, God would have to restart the whole human race again because He eliminated evil.

Also God permits evil because he can use other people's testimony of how they got saved from some of the evil action's of people and taught them new things through what had happened to them. He can also turn something negative into someone's life into a positive. You also have to understand that God has a purpose for all things even the evil in this world.

Side: Yes

Sure; and by several different methods. Most simply, God could elect to remove all consciousness and intelligence from the whole of existence, other than Himself.

An evil action cannot exist without an evil intention behind it. Intent requires consciousness. If God is omnibenevolent, with a consciousness entirely devoid of evil thoughts and intentions, then only good could exist in this scenario.

Side: Yes

I think so. I don't understand why evil is not abolished in this world.

Side: Yes

If He could, we wouldn't be having this discussion. The thing about agreeing that He could is that it raises the question, "Why doesn't He?" He shan't, therefore He can't. We should be able to abolish the evil we created, and living life assuming (or hoping) God will eventually do something is a waste of time and energy.

Side: No