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 Could the Devil have written the Bible? (16)

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MuckaMcCaw(1970) pic

Could the Devil have written the Bible?

The Bible itself describes the Devil as the Ultimate Trickster. Could it be that Devil would intentially author the text that has led to more death and Christian in-fighting than any other...and, as a point of true trickery and vanity, allowed the only passages in the Bible to be accurate to be those points which describe himself?

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3 points

You, know, with so much of it being borderline evil and very counter to the very rules God preaches (this is also assuming these two characters exist) I wouldn't doubt it.

2 points

And yet, somehow, being the basis of the most dominant religion in the age of reason? Sure sounds A FRIGGIN LOT more like the work of the Devil than the writings of people a benevolent God would choose to chill with :)

Anna01(16) Disputed
1 point

I don't understand what you're trying to say...not trying to be rude I just don't understand what your saying : )

3 points

It could be possible if not the original writings the Devil could have gotten to the translators and got them to twist Gods original message when you look around at the Snake Oil Salesmen and people that spout hate and bile in the name of God these days and throughout history then pass themselves off as Christians it does make you wonder.

And if the Devil is the ultimate trickster would this not be the ultimate trick but who knows if God and the Devil are actually separate entities maybe the Devil is God on a bad day or as Tom Waits says "I know there ain't no Devil its just God when he's drunk"

You know I have a friend whom is a satanist, believes in satanism supernaturally (as their a satanism philosophies that some non-believers actually hold) and he basically thought that everyone has it backwards, god is really the bad guy and satan is the good guy, probably thinks this because of how backwards the bible is. I also always thought, if their is a supreme being out there and there is a supposed holy text that either he wrote or man wrote from gods words or whatever... how would we know that this supreme being is necessarily good? I mean wouldn't a supreme being want us to think he was tremendously nice guy? I mean if a supreme being were to have a book writen for itself, it'd obviously want to look like the hero right? I jest I jest... though in all seriousness, I find it rather amusing that this supposed god from this supposed book, if 100% trustworthy right off the bat... I mean if the author of the bible with as many morally reprehensible things it contained, was really a supreme being, I'd be very scared for humanity...

Acting under the assumptions that the bible is true (for the most part, at least), that the christian interpretation of god is real, etc...

Yes and No. All of the individual books in the bible are purportedly divinely inspired, and yet the canon specifically excluded a number of texts while including others. There is no reason to believe that the canon was divinely inspired; the early christian church that preceded orthodox christianity, catholocism, etc has never exactly been free of corruption or anywhere close to a pinnacle of purity, after all.

If we assume that some of the texts were divinely inspired, it is just as fair to assume that some of the texts were inspired by the devil, and some simply by madmen who heard voices.

Both Deuteronomy and Revelations warn against adding to, removing from, or altering the 'word of god.' That implies that it is fallible in human hands, or there would be no need to warn against it, and no need to threaten punishment for it. Given the nature of the devil as described in the bible, I'd be all but completely certain that such has occurred, were I a believer myself.

As such, even if we assume that the christian take on things is real, we must acknowledge that the bible contains some mixture of works inspired by god, the devil, and the ravings of madmen. The idea that all of it is divinely inspired is ridiculous given the state of the church at the time.

So the short version? If there is a god and a devil, the devil probably did not write the entire bible, but he almost certainly is responsible for some of the books in it, and has most likely twisted the scriptures in other places as well.

0 points

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Judgment Day will suck for you if you do not repent. .

MuckaMcCaw(1970) Disputed
2 points

Unless, of course, I am right. I am interested in seeing if someone has some logical debate that can invalidate this hypothesis.

That's the side of the argument Christians (or any religion for that matter) hates to admit to. "What if you're wrong?"

On a slightly related note, South Park did a joke episode of this very question, and in Heaven it turns out the Mormons got it right. lol

Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

Throwing around fancy words does not make you right. .