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Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 YES (7)
 NO (9)

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karim_salah(216) pic


Corporal punishment is a form of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behaviour deemed unacceptable. The term usually refers to methodically striking the offender with the open hand or with an implement, whether in judicial, domestic, or educational settings.

Corporal punishment of school students for misbehaviour has been outlawed in many countries. It involves striking the student on the buttocks or the palm of the hand in a premeditated ceremony with an implement specially kept for the purpose such as a rattan cane or spanking paddle, or with the open hand. There may be restrictions in some jurisdictions, e.g. in Singapore caning is permitted for boys only.


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 9
2 points

Who ever said it had to be for all crimes? or for education? it doesn't. If i went outside. stole a little girl and raped her. whats the worse that could happen? i get put in jail. maybe not even for life. okay... alternate universe: If i went outside and stole a little girl and raped her. whats the worse that could happen? I get paraded around the City in chains at gun point while the people throw things at me. then i get neutered in front of the police station then spend life in jail. How many little girls would get raped then? But no. that would be "inhumane" is forcefully having sex with then killing a little girl as if shes nothing humane?! an eye for an eye. What about murderers? serial killers? 9mm down their throat? what now? don't want your children to witness that. don't bring them.

Side: YES
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
2 points

You're missing the part where the jail sentence also includes everybody looking the other way while other inmates gang rape you, sometimes to death.

Side: YES
1 point

Let's start with you.

Side: YES
karim_salah(216) Disputed
1 point

DO NOT BE NEGATIVE Interlocutor.


Side: NO
Hitler(2364) Disputed
1 point

I am being serious.

Side: YES

Though it most likely teaches a person very fast not to do whatever they did again; corporal punishment would be difficult to regulate and even more difficult for it to be equal to the crime.

Side: NO
1 point

i used to believe in spanking but thanks to Atypican's simple retort on one of my arguments... I have a problem reinforcing the idea that violence means "i get what I want."

Teaching through intimidation doesn't have as good of an effect as teaching through discussion and understanding.

Should a person be taught that they shouldn't litter because they might get hurt? Or because it would be unsanitary, lead to more littering, look unpleasant etc?

Side: NO
karim_salah(216) Disputed
1 point

But if students know that they will be punished

then they will make their work perfectly......!

Side: YES
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

Only so long as the punishment holds fear for them, and that they believe the punisher capable of following through with the punishment.

Side: YES
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Any evidence at all to support that claim?

Side: NO
1 point

It won't give people a desire to do what authority demands. It will only teach people not to get caught doing the wrong thing.

Side: NO
ffemt333(51) Disputed
1 point

how is that any different than what we are doing now? the point is it is and even greater risk for them. of course there will be people who get away with it. but less will attempt

Side: YES
1 point

Your are right if we assume that there is no better alternative. I think it's a better alternative not to punish people and simply encouraging people to do the right thing. You are well within your right to think that's foolish, it probably is from given the perspective that encouraging and not punishing doesn't bring immediate results. Even so, I value one person wanting to do the right thing much higher than hundreds not doing the wrong thing out of fear of punishment, and that's why I think it's a better alternative. It makes sense if you don't agree, however.

Side: YES
karim_salah(216) Disputed
1 point

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT allow government to reduce numbers of crimes

an d allows teachers to improve their skills.

Side: NO

I believe in spanking as a reinforcement tool, but not in corporal punishment as displayed here. It crosses some important lines that I don't feel should be crossed by a child's parent, much less anyone else.

Inflicting pain and fear, while they may be useful in controlling the behavior, also damage the relationship and trust between the punisher and the child. More often than not, the lesson learned is to avoid the punishment, not the undesired behavior.

Spanking, as I practice it, does not inflict pain, and is not delivered out of anger, nor are any implements used. Discomfort is caused, using an open hand only, and only over clothing, after calmly explaining why the spanking is being delivered.

That discomfort is nearly as effective as pain at discouraging behavior, and does not damage the relationship or trust in the process- nor does it cause fear, either due to the pain itself or the fact that it was delivered by an angry, shouting person. Moreover, while I have not performed studies on this, anecdotal observations seem to suggest that this is in fact better at forming a negative association with the behaviour itself, rather than instilling fear of the punishment directly.

I typically utilize spanking as secondary discipline, when my son is resisting or refusing to cooperate with a lesser punishment. There are some exceptions to this, of course. I've found it very effective.

Side: NO
1 point

Corporal punishment may illicit immediate behavioral compliance of the child, however it is also proven to create longer term behavioral issues and is strongly correlated with physical child abuse (source).

Side: NO

Corporal Punishment leaves a mental scar on a child that carries into adulthood. Corporal Punishment is not right.

Side: NO