
Debate Info

Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 OH YEAH...! (6)
 No... I DON'T THINK SO.. (10)

Debate Creator

liza(95) pic


I think Ireland is awesome and the Irish men simply are hot! I wanna be married to someone Irish....!


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 16
2 points

Well, being an Irishman, I'd have to say yes to each question, although I don't look like your standard Irish guy (or so I'm told), although when I converse with somebody my Irish accent and Irish expression are immediately discernible, although they have changed significantly over years (as I have), but don't you think your standards and criteria for selecting a husbund should be based on more than just nationality? I mean, if your sole criterion is nationality, aren't you worried you may be let down?

Side: OH YEAH...!
2 points

Well, being an Irish man, I'd have to say yes to each question, although I don't look like your standard Irish guy (or so I'm told), although when I converse with somebody my Irish accent and Irish expression are immediately discernible, although they have changed over years as I have changed, but don't you think your standards and criteria for selecting a husbund should be based on more than just nationality? I mean, if your sole criterion is nationality, aren't you worried you may be let down?

Side: OH YEAH...!
1 point

but don't you think your standards and criteria for selecting a husbund should be based on more than just nationality?

Yeah, I guess! It's just that Irish men seem really wise and sensible... If you can get the hint! It's just that I'm ssoooo crazy about Ireland and the Irish music and the step dance and the jig, the celtic music and everything!

if your sole criterion is nationality, aren't you worried you may be let down?

Yeah... I could be! But, I could be let down anywhere. I'd like to take a chance with something I love!

Side: OH YEAH...!
1 point

Ireland is simply beautiful... Any Irish Men around to apply?


Side: OH YEAH...!

You like ginger or do you just like playing connect the dots ;)

Side: OH YEAH...!
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

Because everyone in Ireland is freckly and ginger, right?

Side: No... I DON'T THINK SO..
1 point

Every place has it's share of hot and ugly people. Ireland is one of the many I guess..

Oh yes and Stuart Townsend <3

Side: OH YEAH...!
3 points

Good God! Get out of here and take your spam with you Imbecile!

Side: No... I DON'T THINK SO..
ricedaragh(2482) Clarified
1 point

English women seem to love us, every time I go over, my accent is an instant panty moistener.

Side: OH YEAH...!
2 points

Did Garry put you up to this?

Side: No... I DON'T THINK SO..
2 points

lol. I expected you to have made this debate.

Oh garry...

Side: No... I DON'T THINK SO..
2 points

"Oh garry..."

I hope you're not under the false impression that I create this debate under a pseudonym as some weird way of publicly flattering and flagellating myself (and other Irishmen).

Side: No... I DON'T THINK SO..
liza(95) Clarified
1 point

Did Garry put you up to this?

No... My love for Ireland did!

Side: OH YEAH...!
1 point

Ireland is one of the most beautiful nations of which I am familiar; men, though - not hot, no matter from where they hail.

Side: No... I DON'T THINK SO..
ricedaragh(2482) Clarified
1 point

Is this because you are male, or do you have a thing against Irish guys in general.

Side: OH YEAH...!
1 point

Oh cumm on! You really don't think Irish men aren't romantic? And Hot!

Or Do you just hate men?

Side: No... I DON'T THINK SO..