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Death, What Do You Beleive Happens When You Die

Some of you may think this is a morbid debate but it is not meant as such. I played with the thought of quoting lots of philosophers that are quite dear to my heart (Nietzsche among the most notable) but i decided to state my position in my own words. I think that when i die (notice this is purely a self concious excercise), i will cease to exist, at least everything that i consider to be myself i.e. personality, thoughts, opinions, predjudices (yes we all have them) religious assumptions, fears, illusions (yes again we all have them), and delusions (as before) etc.

They will all vanish the very instant i die, the very instant my brain activity ceases my soul will be annihilated. This all sounds depressing, this is why i beleive religion exists, it it borne out of a wish-thought relationship, man desires a place to beleiven in after death, and so he has created one. I think this is only depressing if you let it be.. From my point of view when widie not only do i cease to exist but so does reality, and moreover it will be as if i never existed at all, and it will be as if this reality never existed either, all of my friends, family members, overs, and experiences never happened, and no one eixsts to regret anything, or mourn me because i am dead, so even if there, is it is of no consequence to me.

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2 points

Death, What Do You Believe Happens When You Die


I'm not going to sugar-coat it.

I agree completely, and thats mroe or less the position i have held since i was 14 but the quesiotn i suppose in an inadvertent way is meant as a thought provking excercise as much as debate, i find you get a strange feeling when you consider, and try to imagine non-existence, the way it was before being born, the blankness, it seems that in order to appreciate existence you must an appreciate of non-existence.

2 points

I think it's healthy to have a strong and distinct lack of certainty about the absolute finality and/or inevitability of death.

I think I'll live on through those I've influenced. I think immature people tend to have a very restricted view of life, death and self. As we mature we begin to realize that the most essential elements of our personality are ideological in nature and can survive, and in many cases even thrive after the biological death of our body.

When I die biologically I hope that it is with an attitude of hope for the future instead of the one of nihilistic despair I find myself beset by from time to time.

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1 point

I believe you go to one of two place. You ethier go to heaven or hell. Heaven is for people who were true Christians and followers of Jesus Christ. Hell is for people who totally didn't believe in God or did stuff that was against God's commandments.

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xyze(39) Disputed
1 point

Do you have any evidence for this? Can you provide an explanation as to how you actually transport to heaven or hell? Is it just your soul? Can you define soul? Do you have any evidence that a soul exists? How does a soul move from one place to another?

At the end of the day, when you're dead, you're dead. You can't think or feel - You do not have consciousness. There is no reason to suggest that somehow you magically appear at a mysterious location on the basis of whether or not you believed in one specific interpretation of one god.

Even if there was a heaven and hell, entry should be granted on the basis of your contribution to society and the works you have done, not on which god you did or did not believe in. The Christian heaven and hell is disgusting; theoretically a serial killer or serial rapist could get into heaven, simply because he believes in god. On the other hand, a child who is born in a remote region of Africa who dies a few days afterwards is destined to go to hell and burn for eternity, simply because he/she never heard about your specific God. Hitler could go to eternal paradise, but Gandhi must burn for eternity; why? Such a belief is ridiculous. Any God that commands this is demonstrably cruel and hateful.

At the end of the day, no one knows what happens to people after they die, and no one can know. It doesn't help to speculate about heaven and hell, using it as a tool to scare children and adults into believing a religion and following religious dogma.

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Srom(12206) Disputed
1 point

There is evidence for a soul. When people resatated back from the dead they saw what happened when they went to hell or heaven. It says in the Bible that there will be screaming gnashing of teeth in Hell. In heaven it says that God will prepare a place for people who truly seek Him out and follow Him

theoretically a serial killer or serial rapist could get into heaven, simpy because he believe in god.

He could get into Heaven if He repents for what He did and turned away from that sin and started doing what is right in front of God and serving Him. Yes he will go to heaven if he repents and turns away. Also if he continues to do it then he would not go to heaven instead to hell. Also why would someone who believes in God be a rapist or a serial killer?

Children that are born and die they do not go to hell. They go to heaven because they didn't know anything about God or Satan so God takes care of the children in Heaven.

Hitler did not believe in God he killed tons of Jews and Christians because of there belief.

It doesn't scare people. There has been people who came back from dying and they experanced heaven and hell.

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1 point

Well, I don't know what I could possibly add to what you already said... I agree with all of it. Sorry, I know that doesn't add anything to the debate but that pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter.

My only question would be with this....

the very instant my brain activity ceases my soul will be annihilated

Is there a soul to be annihilated? I don't know and I still wonder about that?

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"Is there a soul to be annihilated? I don't know and I still wonder about that?"

The soul can be whatever you want it to be, it is purely a philosophical concept, and entirely open to interpretation, my own point of view on the matter is that my soul is completely material, the immateriality of the soul at least as much as we understand it has never been proven.

If it had been it would add credence to a whole host of religious doctrines, basically what im saying is that i beleive in the nueroscientific view that my soul is no more than the activity of my brain.

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I don't know what happens after death but I like to think of the "soul" as a kind of energy and when a person dies and the "energy" has no vessel it doesn't cease to exist but continues in a state and place that is inconceivable to us here.

I do however like the idea of karma and reincarnation it seems like the most just and logical of religious ideas.

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"I don't know what happens after death but I like to think of the "soul" as a kind of energy and when a person dies and the "energy" has no vessel it doesn't cease to exist but continues in a state and place that is inconceivable to us here."

As much as i greatly sympathise with that interpretation is it simple too vague for me to really engage with, its just too clise too; "well anything can happen"

"I do however like the idea of karma "

Karma is not just an idea it is a reality of existence, and is symbolised in a very very specific symbolic form by my avatar of the central figure of hinduism (Krishna).

Karma is the totality of our actions and their consequences, both in this life, and the next reincarnation one (not that i subscribe to reincarnation).

It is an entire logical and rational system of belief but can be interpreted in many different ways, two if its literal translation's are "function" and "operation", which is very meaningful, and can (and should) be ruminated on.

"reincarnation it seems like the most just and logical of religious ideas"

I cannot subscribe to this at this stage in my life, i do dimiss it either rather put in on the back burner for a period in which i will have the time to try to understand its foundations in as much as i am capable.

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I think that when you die, you go to this massive, wild party and you have a great time. Otherwise, the dead would start coming back to this hell hole ;)

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1 point

I don't really believe this but I like what this one girl said.

"Ya know how people say when you die you see the

"Light at the end of the tunnel"

And you know how when you're born

(well you prob don't really know but)

How when you are born you go down the birth canal and see the light (the world, doctors, hospital wherever you are)

Maybe when you die you are reborn and the light, is your next life....

and miscarriages connect with people who die and are miraculously brought back to life?

Idk just a thought. :p"

Her thought is a nice one, though not likely to me. I don't know what I believe personally.

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"I don't know what I believe personally"

If you have the time you should watch the following video, its only 5 min long:

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1 point

I'll watch it now :)

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I believe our dreams provide vague insights into past lives and experiences that are anywhere from nearly identical to the life we have now to places and times we cant comprehend or even begin to rationalize with our brains.

I firmly believe our consciousness or souls or life force or whatever you want to call it have existed for longer than we can imagine and if we can barely remember when we were children in this life then there is almost no chance we could purposely bring up these memories.

When we dream i think our brains are randomly flashing memories that are deep in our sub-subconscious, as in somewhere outside of our minds in this physical world. our brains are wired to make connection and relate ideas so when you're experiencing something in your waking life and then have dreams that vaguely touch upon similar topics and themes, it is actually your brain trying to make connections to things it subconsciously remembers but since we dont understand what we are seeing we disregard them as nonsensical experiences.

I think when we die we wont even know it, we will sort of just switch to the point in another life where we start making new memories. like the point where you realize you're alive and self aware as a baby or child.

or im just delusional but either way its cool to think about.

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