
Debate Info

Yes, they are No, they are not
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:23
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 Yes, they are (10)
 No, they are not (4)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Debates/issues are way more complicated than the simplistic 2-sided debate form allows for

Debates have more than just two sides and should be done away with in favor of the "popularity contest" debate form.

Yes, they are

Side Score: 12

No, they are not

Side Score: 9

They may be more complex than the two tag set up allows but that doesn't mean you must stay within the two parameters made up for you. I've weighed in on lots of debates, made my points and tagged the rebuttal to suit my argument. We are all free to do that at any time. They could, perhaps, add another tag that is simply titled "Other" and let the people fill in the proper tag for their argument.

Side: Yes, they are

For example, Gay VS Hetero. There's a third option; Bi. If you go Bi you'll get by during dry spells. Not hooking up with chics? You can always hook up with a man. See?

Hey, that would go great on a t-shirt....

If you go Bi you'll get by. ;)

Is that contest still running?

Side: Yes, they are
1 point

i dont think so joe

Side: Yes, they are
1 point

Yup, the tee shirt contest is still running! You have until 2/28 to vote and add new arguments!

Side: Yes, they are

This constantly aggravates me. Many of the debates I create have a possible third or even fourth option, but the choices are limited to two or infinite. I often don't want people to come up with their own option, but I am forced to go with popularity contest.

Side: Yes, they are
1 point

Yes, I've always believed there should be a middle ground. Most of the debates are inherently biased, or worded incorrectly. Using this as an example, which is better OS X or Windows, some people would like to say that they are both good for what they do, but are forced into choosing a side before posting their argument.

Side: Yes, they are
1 point

h-h-hell yeah.

Side: Yes, they are

Then why isn't this debate using the "popularity debate" form?

Side: No, they are not
1 point

Damn you joe for pointing out the flaw in my logic.

Side: Yes, they are

Do you talk to yourself often?

Side: Yes, they are
2 points

Joe, I know you're just racking up the points. At least try though.

Anyway, what if I want to debate whether Joe should be disqualified from the t-shirt contest?

I mean, that's a pretty simple two-sided debate;

Yes, Joe has enough t-shirts,


Yes, Because Joe is basically spamming except his chicken or egg comment.

See? There's only two sides to the issue.

(...waiting for Joe to make this an actual debate...)

Side: No, they are not