
Debate Info

Leftists lack common sense The meme is toilet worthy
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Leftists lack common sense (1)
 The meme is toilet worthy (1)

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Warjiin(88) pic

Debunking a stupid leftist meme

The problem with this meme is that one company doesn't own 95% of the property or 95% of the banks, there are thousands of companies owning a multitude of amounts on the board, even the largest companies don't own 1% of the board, and no one starts with 5% of the board or the bank, and yet people who start with nothing get wealthy every single year.

Conclusion. You are lazy or dumb.

Leftists lack common sense

Side Score: 1

The meme is toilet worthy

Side Score: 1

LOL! That's a great meme. I look forward to you using Nazi ideology to "debunk" it.

The problem with this meme is that one company doesn't own 95% of the property or 95% of the banks

The problem with you taking that literally is that it was figurative. A small number of companies control everything, which is something called an oligopoly rather than a monopoly, but if they said oligopoly then A) The meme would not work, and B) Morons like you would have to look in a dictionary before responding.

there are thousands of companies owning a multitude of amounts on the board

That's just straight up bullshit. I happen to know from my own research that there are only 6 companies which control the entire US media infrastructure. Every piece of news which is consumed in the United States has been filtered through one of only 6 companies.

Now, it is true that there are thousands of companies, but very few of them are highly successful companies, and hence the meme is absolutely correct.

even the largest companies don't own 1% of the board

They own considerably more than 1 percent of the board. Open a book mate:-

The pyramid shows that: half of the world's net wealth belongs to the top 1%

and no one starts with 5% of the board or the bank

Again, not true:-

NYT: Trump Got $413 Million From His Father, Largely From Tax Dodges 2018-10-02/ny-times-trump-got-413m-from-his-dad-much-from-tax-dodges

Just pocket money, right buddy? Lol. You're such a ridiculous liar Bronto. I really wish you could just shut your face for the moment it would take any reasonable person to figure out how fucking stupid you are.

Side: Leftists lack common sense

Conclusion. You are lazy or dumb.

Yes guys. Remember, if you are too intelligent to play a game where all the odds are stacked against you and there is (almost) no chance you can win, that means you are dumb. Bronto says so, and everybody knows the reputation he has for telling the truth about stuff.

Of course, if you do decide to play Bronto's game, he gets a lot richer because all the work that you do benefits him more than you! That's how companies work you see. The workers do the work but the boss gets rich. Now, don't let anybody fool you here!! Bronto will be right back to explain why that is a completely fair situation. Exploitation is good for the soul and, as Bronto will surely tell you, "it never did the blacks any harm", right pal?

Side: The meme is toilet worthy