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 Define Fascism; Give Examples (3)

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JaceCarsonne(93) pic

Define Fascism; Give Examples

It seems that a majority of individuals on the left AND the right have no idea what fascism actually means. Its meaning has been bent and twisted in order to fit with respective arguments to use as a tool in order to keep from substantiating an actual legitimate argument. Define it, and give legitimate, real-world examples. 
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2 points

Fascism is a parasite subsisting on an individual's false belief in capitalism. The promise to benefit from successes and suffer from failures. Whereas fascism allows for success to still be a benefit but failures are to be suffered by society. Allowing certain corporations, nations and government agencies to fail miserably with no repercussions. As an bailout and the auto bailout.

1 point

People who force you to eat vegetables are fascists....................................

Extreme ideologueism with a cult like following. Usually consists of waves of media propaganda, brainwashing of youth, control by fear of retribution by the military, and the demonizing of a particular group in mass to justfy violence, suppressing speech, using martial law, etc.

Examples? 1940 Italy, Nazi Germany, 2017 North Korea.

The term itself comes from the ruling style of Mussolini, so Italy during the World Wars would be your best defintion and example.