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Slandering is good KKK robes normal for me
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Slandering is good (2)

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JasonRiley(45) pic

Democrats are comfortable slandering, lying and posing as white supremacists

Lincoln Project admits to stunt dressing as white supremacists in an attempt to lie about the right

Slandering is good

Side Score: 2

KKK robes normal for me

Side Score: 0
1 point

Democrats are comfortable slandering, lying and posing as white supremacists

Hello J:

So, you're saying it's better to BE a white supremacist, than to POSE as one..



Side: Slandering is good
1 point

On a slight deviation from your topic I would ask you if the mythical term, white supremacy applies only in America or does it have global connotations?

Along with BRITAIN's INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION there were literally 1000s of inventions and discoveries made in Europe at a time when THE BONGO'S infestation was almost non-existent.

How could such innovations be attributed to white privilege when the white race was not infected with ''THE BONGO'', or any other out-of-Africa racial disease?

The next query I have is, why do THE BONGOS not organize themselves in such a manner that that they can invent, innovate until their hearts are content as well as forming powerful multinational corporations and global financial institutions to challenge what is mainly, the white dominance in these sectors?

Side: Slandering is good
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