
Debate Info

Barry Obama Another Barry
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Barry Obama (1)
 Another Barry (2)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

Did the left name this storm after Barry Obama or another Barry?

Here's what we know about Tropical Storm Barry and what to expect

By Dakin Andone and Brandon Miller, CNN

Posted at 11:41 AM ET, Fri July 12, 2019

Barry Obama

Side Score: 1

Another Barry

Side Score: 3
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2 points

Did the left name this storm after Barry Obama or another Barry?

Hello bront:

Couple things.. The left DOESN'T name hurricanes. Hurricanes are named ALPHABETICALLY from the 1st one of the year.. They're NOT named after any particular person..



Side: Another Barry
1 point

Couple things.. The left DOESN'T name hurricanes.

It looks like they did. Imagine a hurricane named Donald right now...

Hurricanes are named ALPHABETICALLY from the 1st one of the year..

So they waited for the Bs to come around.

They're NOT named after any particular person..

Then why is the hurricane named Barry Millhouse Obama?

Side: Barry Obama
1 point

If the "left" named a storm after anyone, they would do it with respect. Since you can't respect a storm …. respectfully … they wouldn't. You have to respect a storm as you would an enemy, a dangerous enemy. If the left was to name a storm after anyone, it would come much later in the season, when we got around the "T's". ;-)

It's the right that's heavily into nicknames like "Barry", "Crooked", "Sleepy", etc.. ;-)

Hmmmm, if we wanted to ACT RIGHT we could name one earlier … like in the "D's" ;-)

Side: Another Barry