
Debate Info

No, we did not. Of course!
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:24
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 No, we did not. (4)
 Of course! (6)

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flabingobabe(33) pic

Did we really land on the moon?


No, we did not.

Side Score: 8

Of course!

Side Score: 10

i have very mixed views on this subject and while i believe we've been to the moon since, part of me struggles to believe the storyof us landing there. and i think that we will now never know because even if we hadnt then, they will have covered it up by now. so i think its just better left unquestioned

Side: No, we did not.
-1 points

That is a fairy tale, we never reach the moon, that was only a bunch of very poor quality images and videos. All the people know that those images was filmed in some kind of hangar. A lot of fraud investigators have a lot of evidence on that.

Side: No, we did not.
3 points

People love a good conspiracy theory; unfortunately, this isn't one of them. We've been there, we've done that.

Supporting Evidence: Hoax Claims Examined (
Side: Of course!
3 points

While I can see the other side of the argument's point... We faked it to keep America in the forefront of the space race/we've never been back/there wasn't sufficient technology... etc. I still believe that the Moon Landings happened. Just go tell Buzz Aldrin that he never walked on the moon, he'd kick your ass. America did it and we will do it again when the time is right. The ability to launch missions from the moon will be much more efficient than from earth, of course we will still have to get the parts to the moon. But anyway, It happened!

Side: Of course!
1 point

Indubitably. I've seen the moon rock and moon dust with my own eyes and through a telescope. They are definitely not from Earth.

Side: Of course!

The moon landing is a hoax. Ask the astronauts whether if they dreamed of walking on the moon.

Plus, On Mythbusters, the crew tested some of the myths, and all were busted.

Side: Of course!
1 point

may i ask why are you arguing against it but have tagged your argument as for it?

Side: No, we did not.
1 point

Why would we not have landed on the moon? We can go far far out into space, so why not go and say hello to our satellite?

Side: Of course!

Definitely! The moon landing was for real. There is nothing phony about it.

Side: Of course!
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

How would you know? You weren't on the moon to witness it.

Side: No, we did not.