
Debate Info

Direct Democracy Representative Democracy
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Direct Democracy (2)
 Representative Democracy (7)

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ThePatriot(23) pic

Direct Democracy or Representative Democracy

There are two forms of democracy: a direct democracy, where all citizens have full say in the government and choose laws and referendums directly, and a representative democracy, where the citizens instead vote for people to make governmental decisions for them. What form of democracy do you think is better, and why?

Direct Democracy

Side Score: 2

Representative Democracy

Side Score: 7
1 point

The other type of Democracy is likely to have the same results, the only differance is that one takes longer than the other.

Side: Direct Democracy
1 point

It's hard to say, but a direct democracy only works in smaller communities. If Representatives are chosen who actually represent the interests of the people, then more can get done in less time.

Side: Representative Democracy
Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

What about the Swiss model ?

Side: Direct Democracy
ThePatriot(23) Disputed
1 point

Well, Switzerland is a pretty small country. However, they only have elements of a direct democracy. They themselves are not a direct democracy. They incorporate such elements.

However, for a country as large as the United States, a direct democracy would be cumbersome and it wouldn't work. getting 150,000,000 people to vote at election for every little law seems a bit cumbersome.

However, with the internet, it may become a lot easier to implement a direct democracy. At the same time, it is also fairly easy to commit voter fraud on the internet. There are pros and cons to such system. I say that a representative democracy is better because it avoids certain problems associated with a direct democracy. But whatever works, I am fine with.

Side: Representative Democracy

Citizens do not have the brains to directly govern themselves.

Side: Representative Democracy

People need leaders. Otherwise people get tired of running he show and try to put someone in power. They tire from governing thmsves. They want to have a say in heir lives still so I'd say a representative democracy. That way people can have a leaders who are willing to some time governing.

Side: Representative Democracy

People need leaders. Otherwise people get tired of running he show and try to put someone in power. They tire from governing thmsves. They want to have a say in heir lives still so I'd say a representative democracy. That way people can have a leaders who are willing to some time governing.

Side: Representative Democracy

People need leaders. Otherwise people get tired of running he show and try to put someone in power. They tire from governing thmsves. They want to have a say in heir lives still so I'd say a representative democracy. That way people can have a leaders who are willing to some time governing.

Side: Representative Democracy

People need leaders. Otherwise people get tired of running he show and try to put someone in power. They tire from governing thmsves. They want to have a say in heir lives still so I'd say a representative democracy. That way people can have a leaders who are willing to some time governing.

Side: Representative Democracy