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 Do you agree with Buddhism? What are its advantages? (9)

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JessyMay(24) pic

Do you agree with Buddhism? What are its advantages?

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1 point

I think all of the core values of Buddhism are ones which people should take into account in order to live a happy, healthy and generally more humane lifestyle. I very much believe in the quote "forgiveness is the key to happiness" - Dalai Lama.

Buddhism is a very general term, and encompasses a diverse multitude of sects each with different sets of beliefs. Some are similar to Hinduism (like some in India), some to Christianity (like some of those in East Asia), and many aren't similar to any other major religion. Some require serious monasticism, and others are open to all to contribute. Some types of Buddhism rely on logical debate and intensive studies, while others concentrate on meditation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: I can't give a response unless you are more specific.

Side: Too diverse a religion to give an answer
1 point

Buddhism is a respsectable religion, which means a lot being as I am rather anti-religious-establishment at times. The farther east, it would seem, the more peaceable the religion, besides of course Islam, which has two faces.

Side: Too diverse a religion to give an answer
1 point

Do you agree with Buddhism?

The magical parts no, the peaceful parts, yes.

What are its advantages?

They don't want to, and never had historically, attempted to kill or forcefully indoctrinate large groups of people.

Side: Too diverse a religion to give an answer
1 point

the magical parts are just rumours that have spread out of control

and yes Buddhism isn't really a religion as it never seeks to convert but to simply help those who want to be helped.

Buddhism is more of a philosophy than a religion

Side: Too diverse a religion to give an answer
1 point

Buddhism is a misconception of the things Gautama Buddha taught, much like Christianity is a misconception of the things Christ taught.

Though, if Christianity was replaced with Buddhism the world would be a much more peaceful place, there are still inconsistencies within Buddhism and this is why I say Buddhism is an unnecessary burden.

Side: Too diverse a religion to give an answer
1 point

There are a lot of things in Buddhism that I agree with and a few things in Buddhism with which I disagree. There is more with which I agree, that with that I disagree.

Buddhism is more of a philosophy than a religion, it doesn't teach Gods, it doesn't teach absolute knowledge, and it doesn't demand worship. Even Buddha tells us to be skeptical and to keep an open mind. He tells us to question even the things he teaches, which is a breathe of fresh air when compared to contemporary religions. Buddha's main goal was to find ways in which to minimize suffering.

Although I think he was wrong when he taught that we should not become attached to other people. I think we should embrace the people around us. And that happiness is more powerful when it is shared.

Side: Too diverse a religion to give an answer
1 point

why do you think Buddhism is more of a philosophy than a religion? I do understand what you mean in some ways, but not entirely. Please can you explain?

Side: Too diverse a religion to give an answer

I agree with Buddhism because of its dedication to peace.

Side: Too diverse a religion to give an answer