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 Do you believe in magic? (13)

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judas(295) pic

Do you believe in magic?

This is the scary reality of living in the United States; people are superstitious and backward. What makes America a breeding ground for people that believe in things that have no evidence?

America is more religious than most industrialized countries, perhaps that is a lead. If people believe in zombie Jesus' and holy ghosts and spirits and devils and whatnot, the things above really aren't a stretch at all. Maybe when our society grows out of the religion thing these other silly notions will go too.

What do you believe?





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4 points

Noahs Ark, evil spirits, Jack and the beanstalk, Jesus Christ, The three little pigs, Jonah and the Whale, Witches and goblins and holy ghosts; there is no difference, they are just tales told. There is no evidence for any of it.

Biology, geology, mathematics, physics, ....this is all we have to explain the world around us.

3 points

I believe there are Illusionists skilled in creating effects that trick the mind and eye, but magic is only an illusion and not based in reality. And the same is true for other supposed 'supernatural' types of magic spells or contact with the 'other side'... It's all just fake hocus pocus that requires people to be susceptible to the wanting to believe their lying eyes, IMO.

2 points

Yes, for such a powerful nation it is positively frightening what percents of the people here are utter and complete morons.

1 point

said the guy who claims to magically know everything

1 point

Haha, your claims are farfetched (OP). America is not the only industrialized country that is very religious and superstitious. Examples? China is buddhism and taoism are among others within their belief system, and I'm positive they have their own ghost stories, unicorns, ect. Other than China, you can say Russia, Japan, to say the least; they all have their own religions and ghost stories.

In short, I absolutely do believe in magic, in your way of describing in the very least. And no, it's not like "once religion goes away in America, so will superstitious thoughts and events."

judas(295) Disputed
1 point

America is not the only industrialized country that is very religious and superstitious. Examples? China is buddhism and taoism are among others within their belief system, and I'm positive they have their own ghost stories, unicorns, ect. Other than China, you can say Russia, Japan, to say the least; they all have their own religions and ghost stories.

Absolutely false. Every country you mentioned values religion less than us. Russia? Japan? Are you serious? The Japanese are famously non-religious and Russia was recently a nation where religion was banned outright. Please follow the link below.

A study from the Pew Research Center says,

"Despite its wealth, the United States is in the middle of the global pack when it comes to the importance of religion. Indeed, on this question, the U.S. is closer to considerably less developed nations such as India, Brazil and Lebanon than to other western nations"

no, it's not like "once religion goes away in America, so will superstitious thoughts and events.

Well, a superstitious event has never actually happened. There are only superstitious thoughts.

Magic is about as real as Harry Potter himself.

That's a "no" for all you people out there that do believe in Harry Potter, thus revoking any right you have to an opinion.

1 point

Nope, I do not. I do believe that some things are not going to explained in my life time and people will continue to blame it on magic. Just because it's more simple to believe in magic than accepting that there is something you don't know.

1 point

It is amazing that so many people believe that ouija boards are dangerous.