
Debate Info

Yes No -1
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:25
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 Yes (5)
 No -1 (7)

Debate Creator

kamikaze657(137) pic

Do you believe we should do something about - points for downgrading someones ar

Do you believe we should do something about - points for downgrading someones argument???????????? Like get rid of it because I neveer undertood why. Maybe I should be more specific. You downgrade someones argument and you overall points for your account gos down. Why is that???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Side Score: 8

No -1

Side Score: 14
3 points

Yes, I believe it should be gotten rid of. It isn't fair that one cannot view their own post/another's post just because several people didn't agree with it. I believe it should be banned (I am not fussed about up-voting so that can be gotten rid of also if one so wishes).

Side: yes

Do you believe we should do something about - points for downgrading someones argument???????????? Like get rid of it because I neveer undertood why. Maybe I should be more specific. You downgrade someones argument and you overall points for your account gos down. Why is that???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Side: yes
1 point

I would suggest a point system where members could use their accumulated points (which are acquired through creating debates, posing an argument, and vote ups) to give a vote up on a particular comment or even donate points to people who you find to be a good debaters.

Instead of down votes, an effective way that this site could discourage weak replies, instead of the current ’50 character limit’ and a down vote system, might be to issue certain site supporters as moderators who could spot too short, non related, or personal attacks and give them warnings before having their account terminated if the warnings aren’t respected.

Unrelated comments and personal attacks or compliments could be kept at a personal level with private messages made to individuals. There could also be a seperate sub forum for general chat etc.

The current system doesn't seem logical in determining a winning position to me, but if it doesnt change I will continue to visit this site. These are just my suggestions.

Side: yes

Do you believe we should do something about - points for downgrading someones argument???????????? Like get rid of it because I neveer undertood why. Maybe I should be more specific. You downgrade someones argument and you overall points for your account gos down. Why is that???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Side: yes
1 point

Nope! I don't have a problem with the down-votes... if you are down-voted you don't lose points but the person who down-voted you does... that discourages people from down-voting unless it's really needed. Now, then comes the cheaters... those with multiple accounts. They create multiple accounts for the sole purpose of down-voting others and up-voting their own accounts. This cannot be allowed And it happens on here...

Having said all that, I don't think that the down-voted arguments should be collapsed, I like to see what they said (and yes, I know you can click on it but I don't want to)

Side: No -1
3 points

I agree with you. Those sock accounts come in and go crazy downvoting you. I have had up to 5 downvotes on one answer. I don't know who I pissed off

Side: No -1
2 points

What? Baby, you couldn't possibly piss anyone off!


Side: No -1
1 point

this site is full of opinions...if i dont like it, get off it...and i mean that in the nicest way possible...

Side: No -1
kamikaze657(137) Disputed
1 point

Do you believe we should do something about - points for downgrading someones argument???????????? Like get rid of it because I neveer undertood why. Maybe I should be more specific. You downgrade someones argument and you overall points for your account gos down. Why is that???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Side: No -1