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91lilkolo(72) pic

Do you think God created sin?

I would like to hear what you think about this:

Was sin formed from free will or did God create it? If God created it why did He? If he knew sin was going to happen in the world why would He allow his creation to go through it? Do you think that Him having sin is a weird act of love or just a sick game to toy with us? Why or why not? If sin separates us from God why create it?Why allow His creation to go through suffering? If He's almighty and perfect why make something imperfect with faults that will go against Him? Do you think He enjoys sending people to hell?

Please keep it clean, everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Thank you. I'm looking forward to your view points. :)

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3 points

Yeah. He's a dumbass for doing that. He created an unstable creation called Adam. If his creation messed up, who would you blame? Adam, or the creator who made every fiber of the creation's existence?

3 points

If God had never created the apple tree, Adam & Even would never have eaten the apples, disobeyed God, and 'created' sin. But they would have had free will, would they not? Of course, so God created sin.

3 points

If God is omniscient as described, then there is no way logically that he would not have known how all things would play out, omniscience precludes free-will, there is no random, no chance, everything that exists is according to the belief, "part of God's plan" it (God) should not be capable of disappointment in the actions of people, unless he is not onmi-benevolent, which he is supposed to be, he can't or shouldn't dole out punishment.

1 point

I think many Christians try not to question the bible and it's ways because they believe that doubt is the act of following the devil and the devil pushing you away from God, every Christian has doubt about God and what's real or not but they push through it and to force themselves to believe what is in the bible pushing the doubt and questioning away. But I think questioning is an act of growth and a chance to gain wisdom and learn from the subject. Questioning helps understanding. I know my comment to you is way off from your comment but I think that also Many Christians put God in a box. In the bible God clearly says "My ways aren't your ways and My thoughts aren't your thoughts." Isaiah.

I agree if this is all according to His plan why is he dishing out eternal damnation? If He's perfect why did he make imperfect creatures? If He love us why aren't we faultless in His eyes?

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
1 point

If He's perfect why did he make imperfect creatures?

I would ask, how a perfect being could create something imperfect?

That is unless we are perfect, and it's the bible that is wrong,(but it is the bible that tells us this, so continues the paradox).

It is in the latter direction that I would lean, if I was to argue God's powers, hypothetically assuming his existence.

The Christian God condemns our actions as sinful the same way a carpenter blames the table he made for being lopsided. Furthermore sin is the crime of not being perfect, of not living up to impossible standards. God needs to either lower his standards or make us more perfect if he doesn't want me to view sin as some cruel, pointless game on his part. He made us, he made us sinful, yet he condemns us for being sinful and his religion tries to dump all the blame on humanity. Why is all of humanity damned because of the actions of a couple of illiterate nudists thousands of years ago? This doesn't paint the picture of a just and loving god, but a sadistic and malicious one.

2 points

"Why is all of humanity damned because of the actions of a couple of illiterate nudists thousands of years ago? This doesn't paint the picture of a just and loving God, but a sadistic and malicious one."

I agree with this statement. Being a Christian, I might get booed by my fellow brothers and sisters but this is my question as well even though I would have put it in a different way. Why would God make the whole race of people be in sin just because of two people who disobeyed. I think that there's is something more to it that isn't explained. God created everything and is over everything even sin, He made it all and if it's all His why put that torture upon us? And if someone who doesn't follow Jesus Christ but live a blameless life according to the bible they have to burn in hell just because if what God put inside of us? That doesn't make sense and it isn't right to me. I'm sorry, I'm a Christian I believe and follow Jesus but I do have questions that the bible doesn't answer.

That's why I'm trying to get views from all points of people's perspectives. Thank you for your answer.

I was a Christian once upon a time, and it was questions like the ones I posted that led me to leave the religion, eventually, because nobody could offer up satisfactory answers.

I've always been more amicable to the message and mission of Jesus, but I loathe the Bible, organized religion, clergy, and the like, so I think it's good you're trying to follow Christ while questioning the other aspects of Christianity.

1 point

Yes, God created us with free will. Because God wants to teach us about sin. And the way to peace with him. He said the basic fact that humans are not the same sin.

91lilkolo(72) Disputed
1 point

Can you clarify your point? Why does He want to teach us about sin? Why does He want to punish us because we've sinned? Why not make us without sin?

1 point

I think he said.You will be free from sin, and sin when you know how to fix it. Jesus, you are detached from original sin.Jesus, you are detached from original sin. But you also have to sin because free will.You must help yourself first. God will help you.Christ never taught that it is indifferent.

kerouac232(16) Clarified
1 point

There is is nothing in the bible that says anything about free will...

91lilkolo(72) Disputed
1 point

So we don't have a free will? Is everything controlled by God? Does He ultimately decided who goes to hell and who goes to heaven? This is an interesting comment you made and I would love for you to add more to your argument.

1 point

According to the bible the devil created sin. But the devil could surely not have existed without God, so yes.

91lilkolo(72) Disputed
1 point

So why do you think He created Satan? I know that he was Lucifer and the top angel but why do you think that God allowed him to take 1/3 of His angels and to "corrupt" His creation?

Micmacmoc(2260) Clarified
1 point

I don't know; I am not God.

Perhaps I will get back to you on that.

1 point

No, the Flying Spaghetti Monster created sin. Who is this god character? Fucking heathens. Bow down to the Flying Spaghetti Monster or prepare for an eternity of being gnawed to the bone by rabid gerbils! It's only cute for the first couple centuries...

iamdavidh(4856) Clarified Banned
2 points

If the question is "Do you think the Flying Spaghetti Monster created sin?"

The answer is NO! DIRTY HEATHEN! Repent for your blasphemy.

91lilkolo(72) Disputed
1 point

slap Everyone's entitled to their own opinions here except you, stop trolling dude...

No, man created sin.

Everything that used to be a sin is now a disease.

Bill Maher

LOL. Oh...... thats a funny and true quote!

1 point

No God didn't create sin. It was man that created sin because they disobeyed God and choose to rebel against God. If God created sin, He would be the first one to sin, which He didn't sin.

nummi(1432) Disputed
3 points

Here you go again. Where's the proof? You won't find any because there is none.

Srom(12206) Disputed
1 point

Go ahead and read it in the book of Genesis and it will say that Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree and realized that they were naked. And they covered themselves up with leaf covering.

91lilkolo(72) Disputed
2 points

Yet, it was God that gave man the free choice to disobey or obey Him. everything comes from Him. So if man created sin it had to be formed by the creator who put it into man to do such a thing. Why send them to eternal suffering for giving them the choice to do such a thing and to be punished because of it?

1 point

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able but not willing?

Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able, and willing?

Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God.

- Epicurus

This is a pondering question and I don't think anyone can provide a right answer.